Page 25 of Black Site

"I've been at this a long time." He uses a long knife to get excess paint from around my toes. I would be afraid but he's so gentle and knows what he's doing with one.

"When did you start?"

"The military? Right out of high school. What I do now? About five years in. Some guy came to my commanding officer and told them they had an offer for me. I could help my country better if I went a different route than the normal soldier." He looks up with the lightest green eyes I have ever seen. He still hasn't put his glasses back on. I'm still not sure if he actually needs them or not. I lean towards no. Me and Jack have a bet going though and I hope I'm right. I have two hundred dollars at stake.

"I didn't realize what exactly that entailed at the time. Some of the guys I worked with had families and could function very well. Hell, some of them had more than one." My eyebrows climb high. "They used them as cover stories."

"I started getting really fucking good at what I did and my reputation grew. I didn't want any of the blowback to come to my momma so...I faked my own death."

"Oh my God!" Not what I thought he was going to say.

"I couldn't stand the thought of her being hurt because of something I did. It was just better to die and be reborn as Jamison Archer - Kronos. I still check in sometimes but it's hard to stay distant."

I put my other foot on his hand and force him to stop. "You better not do that to me. I will find you Jamison Archer and when I do nothing will be able to save you."

He chuckles, "Don't think that will ever happen, Libby. IF I die this time you'll be coming with me."

I move my foot so he can finish. He's told me everything since we got out of the shower. His involvement with a certain group of assassins that still do odd jobs for him if he needs them but who have all found love, his family that he had to leave, even his real name. He used to be James Miller. I am probably the person that knows all of him, besides maybe Jack. He even told me about why he's so close to Jack. He brought him on his team first and has been with him the longest.

Our eyes meet and the air suddenly starts to heat like we're in a furnace. A knock on the door has both of us turning to look at the door with pissed looks. "Archer, I didn't want to bother you but I knew you would want to know - Jack's AWOL."

Remy's voice is close to the door and sounds worried. Jack isn't supposed to be doing too much since he is still healing. He's healing well but anything could cause him to have a setback. Jim gets up and pulls his pants on. He waits for me to pull on his shirt before he opens the door. On the other side of the door are Remy and Duncan.

"You want us to try to track him down or just let him do his own thing." As Remy is talking Jack walks behind him to reach the room he is staying in. All four of us turn to watch as he walks by.


"Where the hell did you go, man? You scared the crap out of us when we went to check on you and found the bed empty."

"I had something to take care of in town." He looks to Jim. Jim cocks his eyebrow. Again the four men share a look with each other and Remy and Duncan move on.

"What do you guys say to one another when you give each other those looks?"

"We've been together for a long time, baby. It just comes natural to kind of know what the other is thinking. Like the fact that I can tell Jack is up to something."

"I went to handle something." Jim waits. "For Libby."

My mouth falls open, "What?"

"The guys went to your apartment. Jim's having your stuff packed and brought here."

"Really?" I turn to look at Jim who just shrugs.

"Someone broke in and wrecked some stuff and the guys told me about your little problem with an ex-boyfriend."

I blush at the reminder of the mess I still have to take care of. My heart starts pounding at the thought that the psycho was back in my apartment for the third time. I wonder if I should call the cops to report that he broke the restraining order. I don't have any proof, not really.

"So...I took care of it."

"What did you do, Jack?"

"I took care of your problem because you took care of me. But don't worry, Libby. I still owe you one."

He walks off whistling as he goes, leaving me stunned. Did he just tell me...?

"Did he just...?"

"Yep. You just got adopted. Jack sees you as family now. Congratulations." He ends in a laugh but I am still stunned.