Page 2 of Black Site

Do I want to be his towel lady? What does that mean? Is that code for something? Why the hell did I pick up the phone?

"Apparently." The stranger with the beautiful green eyes moves back and uses his head to usher me in. "Lay them anywhere."

I nod like an idiot and go to set them on the table in the hallway leading into the living room. His eyes never leave me and I can feel them the entire time. It just makes me more nervous and so when I set them down I don't put them all on the table good enough and some drop to the floor. Fuck!

I dive for the towels as the man waits with his cool green eyes tracking my movements like a big cat tracks prey. It takes me a minute before I realize I'm still squatting down and have stopped going for the towels, totally mesmerized by this man's gaze. There is a clatter in one of the rooms in the back and a brown-haired man leaps over the back of the couch. I'm not sure what I'm more impressed by, the fact he made the jump or the fact he seems to be doing it to get to me.

"Well, hello ma'am." He's not even winded and when he speaks his voice is just as deep and charming as it was over the phone. He leans against the corner that closes off some of the living room. "Thank you, sweetheart, for coming so soon."

Every word the man says seems to be an innuendo. I understand the message about cumming, I may be naïve but I'm not dense. I give him a tight smile hoping it shows him I'm not interested. I don't have time for flirting and I don't date. I recently tried that and it didn't work out so well. I chance a peek at the green-eyed man and find that he's still very much watching me.

"Have you worked for the Ramseys long?"

Fuck, this is one of the social things I'm not good at. Do I say yes and they think I know something I shouldn't or do I say no and run the risk of them thinking I'll say something I shouldn't? I go with a shrug and a head bobble that can be either. I turn to leave when I almost run right into the man with the cast on. God damn, no one should smell that good and have eyes like his. He smells delicious, for the first time ever my lady bits are starting to wake up and take notice.

Oh hell no, I don't have time for this. I maneuver around the guy and start to reach for the door so I can go back to the front desk. As I brush by him, he reaches out and grabs my arm with his free hand. When I look up at him his eyes have gone from a placid, cool green to bright and hot like a glowing emerald.

"What's your name?" his voice makes my panties melt, there I said it. Doesn't mean I am going to do any fucking thing about it. Movement catches my eye and I become aware of two more men standing close to the hall that I didn't see before. In fact, I think the only reason I can see them now is because they want me to. They are freaking' huge too.

Maybe I should have been nicer to the deep-voiced guy. At least he was flirty and didn't look like he's going to take me apart body part by body part.

"Hey, eyes on me. What's your name?" the tone of his voice is very domineering and I can't help but rankle a little bit because of it. I jerk my arm away from him. Or rather I try to but he doesn't let me go. His hold on me just gets tighter.

"Libby." I tell him hoping it's going to be enough that he'll let me go. These guys have gangbang written all over them and I don't think that's going to be on my to-do list at all.

"Last name?" how can he have such sexy eyes and smell so good and have such a wonderful voice and still be a douche when he opens his mouth and speaks. I raise my chin and consider defying him. He knows I'm thinking about doing it too.

"Anderson." I look pointedly at his hand on my arm and wait for him to let me go. The deep-voiced guy moves to stand in front of him and he still doesn't let me go.

"I can take it from here, boss. Nothing to worry about. So Ms. Libby Anderson, when do you get off tonight?"

I literally feel my mouth go into an 'o' shape. I'm stunned that he's still flirting with me. "Two a.m. I have to get back to the front desk."

Finally, the hand that had such a tight hold on me drops.

"Well, I'm Remy and I hope I'll be seeing you again. Maybe not tonight but tomorrow."

Freedom is so close, my hand on the doorknob, and yet so far away. "Um, I work. All the time. But thank you." I jerk the door open and run back to the inn. God, I never want to do that again. As I melt into the chair and think about how I'm going to tell Marnie about what I did the realization that the guy had a cast on his arm and men were talking about taking care of someone in a cast on the bus grabs my attention. Surely they weren't talking about the guy I just saw standing in number nine. He doesn't look like he needs anyone to take care of him? Hell, even hurt he acted like he could have killed me thirty different ways before I reached the door.


By the time I'm halfway through my shift I finally start to calm down. Yes, it took me that long. I talked to Marnie and she said everything was okay but I wasn't to do anything like that again. Her disappointment in me made my shoulders slump for hours afterwards. The diner is full and keeps my mind off of missing my sister, disappointing Marnie, and the sexy green-eyed guy - until I look up and spot five men sitting in a booth in my section.

My gaze clashes immediately with hard emerald eyes and a frown. Fuck! The only thing I have going on for me is lover boy is one of the men with Green Eyes. Maybe he can keep them from killing me because I know too much. I'm about to head over, no use hiding, when I turn into a tray full of glasses. The noise is loud enough to cause the whole diner to quieten down.

I get the death stare from my least favorite waitress to work at Joe's. Diana, she hates me with a passion that will one day make some man very happy - or have her sent away for stalking. "Jesus, Libby, why don't you watch where you're going? Klutz!"

"I'll get this up and deliver the drinks to your table if you'll take mine for me for just a second." I see her eyes narrow and she's calculating what more she can get out of the deal.

"I get the tips for both tables." Fuck! I give her a nod. "And, you tell Joe this was your fault and you'll pay for the broken glasses."

The bitch! Still, beggars can't be choosers so I take the deal. I disappear behind the counter to clean the glass up and let out a huge fucking sigh of relief. Diana is...well, she's a lot better at flirting than I am. She should be able to handle the table full of men better than I would. I clean the glass up and take drinks to the table that's been waiting. I try to smooth it over with all the people at that table. Some of them are pissed but most of them are understanding enough. I focus in on the pissed-off ones and honeyfuggle my shit loose so they're happy again. By the time I leave the table everyone is good again.

The men stay for a long time. I try not to pay any attention to them and just focus on my tables but it's a little hard to do that when Green Eyes is watching my every move. I take my break just in time to see Diana shove her tits in his face and tell him her address. Fuck that shit. I don't need the complications of dating or flirting. If I tell myself enough times maybe I'll start to believe it. Because it sure would be nice coming home to someone instead of a cold empty apartment. It would be nice to have someone who would give me attention and care like I give all the people in all my jobs. Fuck it! I've gone this long without companionship.

Oh, and there was the failed attempt at dating. Never ever date online. The one guy I went out with was a total creeper and I had to threaten him with legal action before he left me alone. Thank God I waited until after Lexi left before I even tried. If that bozo had been sitting waiting on her when she got home from school I would have lost my shit on him.

I grab something to eat from inside and take it out to the little picnic table Joe put there for his employees to eat on. I'm about to dig into a huge ass salad when a shadow falls over me and for one brief moment I think about the old saying about speaking of the devil. But when I turn my head and look up it's not the crazy guy I went out on a date with. It's the guy from the phone call. Remy, I think he said his name was.