Page 61 of Perfectly Knot

“There she is.” Noah was the first to notice us as she rode up to them. “Look like a natural, darling.” He winked at me while tipping his hat. These cowboys really were too much. They needed to find their omega stat, they deserved it.

I beamed at him cheerfully. “Honey is amazing.” I patted the horse's neck, loving the feel of her coat beneath my fingers. “She’s so sweet!”

“You’re beautiful.” Julian brought his horse up next to me, grinning wildly as his eyes sparkled. “Are you comfortable?”

I flushed at his compliment and nodded. “I’m fine. James is a wonderful teacher.”

James smiled, ducking his head in thanks.

“Well, let’s keep going.” Noah turned his horse and began leading the group around the cattle. “We’re just making sure there are none missing.”

I paid little attention to what they were talking about as we rode, having too much fun to worry about conversation. Julian reached out and held my left hand with his.

“Oh!” I gasped as we came up a hill. “Those are wild flowers!” I pointed to a scattering of flowers that were at the top. A variety of colors dotted the land, from yellow and red, to blue and purple, and I couldn’t help admiring them. “How pretty!”

“Lucas tends to come out here and pick some for the dinner table sometimes.” Noah looked fondly at the flowers. “He feels the same way.”

Julian squeezed my hand gently. “Would you like to pick some?”

“Can I?” I didn’t want to delay the guys from doing what they needed to have done.

“Of course.” Noah gestured with his hand. “As many as you like. There are plenty to choose from.”

I prodded Honey toward the center of the flowers. She huffed a little but did as directed. We were almost at the spot I wanted to stop when I heard a rattle. Honey froze abruptly. I looked around and that’s when I saw it.

Oh no. No no no no. This was not happening.

A snake was right in front of Honey, its tail moving rapidly, the distinct sound making my blood turn to ice in my veins.

“Do not move.” Noah’s voice was authoritative and soft a little ways off. “That’s a rattlesnake. Take Honey’s reins slowly and make her back up. As slowly as you can.”

Gripping the reins tightly, I pulled them back slightly. She started to back up, but the rattlesnake began shaking its tail even faster. Honey spooked, rearing up on her hind legs with a loud whine. I cried out as I felt myself fall backward and I hit the ground hard. My head bounced against the dirt, and spots danced in my field of vision.

Honey galloped away, and I forced myself to remain calm. No sudden or jerking movements.

Wincing, I tried to push myself up into a sitting position. When my vision blurred and black edges crept in, I fell back. The sound of the rattlesnake reminded me I had to do something. If I stayed here, it would strike out and bite me. That would be much worse than the headache or possibly concussion I was sporting now.

There was a loud noise, the sound of a gunshot, and then the rattlesnake fell silent. Some of the horses whined at the sound, but quieted quickly as the guys soothed them.

“Alena!” Multiple voices called out my name, the loud shouts making my head ache even more.

“Easy, don’t move her yet.” Noah called out. “She may have a head or neck injury. We have to make sure.”

I blinked as the harsh light of the sun invaded my eyes before it was blocked by large shadows. The ground swirled around me, making it feel like I was on a boat. Vertigo. Oh gods, I must have a concussion.

“Alena, darlin’, how many fingers am I holding up?” Noah asked as he kneeled beside me and held his hand up.

“Two?” I croaked, now fighting the rising bile in my throat. “I think I have a concussion.”

It wouldn’t be the first time. Dylan had given me a few over our time together.

“Shhh, princess.” Xavier purred for me, the sound helping to calm my stomach and dull the pain. “We need to get her back to the cabin so we can get her checked out.”

“I’m going to just make sure she didn’t damage her neck or spine. Alena, can you feel your arms and legs? Give them a wiggle for me.” I liked Noah’s voice. If I weren’t already obsessed with my four mates, I’d be more attracted to him.

No, bad Alena. This concussion was making me loopy and think strange things.

I reprimanded myself, then wiggled my limbs as Noah requested. “Just concussion. Fell on my hip, then my head hit the ground.” Talking was not a good thing when you were already on the verge of throwing up.