Page 28 of Perfectly Knot



After riding the Ferris wheel, the guys were ready to go to dinner. I was ready for real food as well. I didn’t want to ride any of the other rides. It was when we’d almost left the carnival grounds that I saw it.

A huge flamingo stuffed animal that could be used as a pillow. It was at one of the game stalls, the one where a ball was thrown to knock down heavy bottles. I hadn’t realized I’d started moving toward the stall until I was standing right in front of it.

It would be the perfect addition to the little nest I created.

“Hello!” The guy manning the booth grinned at me, missing a middle tooth. “Care to give it a try? Three dollars for two balls.”

“We’ll take six balls.” Elias spoke solemnly at my side. Xavier snickered softly at the word ‘balls’ but got elbowed by Simon for it.

Elias handed over the money, and each alpha lined up to start throwing the balls at the bottles. Julian stood next to me watching quietly. They wouldn’t budge.

“Again.” Elias slapped down a twenty on the booth.

It was obvious the game was rigged as they each continued to throw a ball, manage to hit the bottles, but nothing moved. Julian stayed quiet the whole time and watched with his eyes narrowed at the scene before him. I could practically see the wheels turning in his mind as he worked out exactly what to do to knock the bottles down.

When Elias went to slap another twenty down, I grabbed his arm. “No more, Elias. It’s rigged. I don’t want you wasting your money. It’s just a stuffed animal.” One that I fell in love with, but that wasn’t the point.

“Here, let me try.” Julian set down three dollars. “This will be the last try, okay?” He winked at me.

Xavier scoffed. “There’s no way to make those bottles fall.”

Julian just smiled at him before picking up one of the balls, tossing it in the air once before looking at it curiously. He took a step away from the stall before turning and throwing the ball with a grunt as hard as he could. It hit the dead center of the bottles and they fell onto the floor with a loud thump.

Xavier’s mouth dropped, and Julian smirked at him. “What were you saying?” He pointed to the flamingo. “I’ll take that, my good man.” He spoke to the attendant, who looked impressed as he handed over the big stuffed bird. Julian turned to me and bowed, holding out the flamingo.

“Thank you, Julian!” I couldn’t stop my giggle of happiness as I hugged the stuffed animal to me. It was almost as tall as I was.

“You’re very welcome, baby girl.” Julian grinned as he took the bird from me after I’d hugged it for several moments. “Let me carry this, so you don’t trip.”

Elias and Simon laughed as we walked away. Xavier looked like he was pouting as Julian looked smugly down at his prize. When we got to the car, they had to put it in the trunk with two of them pushing it down.

As we got into the limo, I buckled up and looked at all of them. I thought it was time to ask them. “Could we have dinner at home?”

They all stiffened. “Home?”

I nodded. “It’s our home, right? Then maybe after dinner you can come visit my nest?” My chest rose and fell, trying to gather enough oxygen to fill my starving cells. I wanted more, I wanted them to be mine, I was ready. Ready to feel them inside me. Inside my nest.

Gods, it was crazy, but I knew in my heart they were mine. It wouldn’t be an easy road to get over my past, but they’d shown me what it’s like to be in a relationship. A real relationship.

I squeaked when Simon unbuckled the seat belt and launched himself at me, caging me against the cushion as he looked down at me.

“You said it. You can’t take it back. It’s your home now, too.”

His lips slammed down on mine and I let out a little whimper as he held my neck with a hand. His hum was soft as his tongue took control. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying how he took my mouth as his possession.

It was funny, a few weeks ago, that mere thought would have made me run, but now I was ready to be theirs. I became so wet that my slick soaked my panties within minutes.

Elias cleared his throat. “Simon, let’s get home and up to her nest before we go further.”

Simon growled low before jerking his head back. He was breathing rapidly as he looked down at me wildly. “You’re ours, love.”

* * *