Page 66 of Perfectly Knot

She ran a hand through her hair before clearing her throat. “Sora.” She whispered so softly I had to lean in.

“What? Really?” I grinned at her, delighted my friend had someone to appreciate her.

“It just happened a few weeks ago. We stayed late one night, we had some pizza, then she was kissing me and we,” she spoke even quieter. “We had sex.”

I let out a tiny squeal and hopped up and down, excited for the budding relationship. “So, are you two a thing?”

The elevator came, and we got into it. Luckily it only stopped a few times on the way down to the cafeteria.

Rayna was quiet until we got into line in the large room.

“I don’t know. She’s invited me to be her date for the annual charity dance.” She started to chew on her thumb-nail. “I haven’t said yes, yet.”

We sat at a table further in the room away from the door. “Why not?”

I had learned about the annual charity dance last week from Julian. The company threw it every year to benefit foster children. He proudly told me that every year they’d raised over a million dollars to benefit kids around the country.

Just another reason for me to fall in love with them.

“I don’t know what this is between us.” Rayne opened her water bottle and took a sip. “She makes me feel whole, and the sex is phenomenal.” She brought her forehead to the table and moaned. “But she’s my boss!”

I giggled, starting to eat my sandwich. “And I’m sleeping with mine.”

“No. You‘re pack. There’s a difference.” She ate her salad slowly. “I’m not sure what Sora and I are.”

I beamed. We were pack, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach just thinking about it.

“I have a solution for you.” I leaned forward.

Rayna tilted her head. “I’m all ears.”

“Talk. To. Her.”

Rayna groaned, rolling her eyes. “Not helpful.”

I giggled, and we finished our lunch in relative silence. Rayna took the public elevator back up to the HR floor, and I went to the private elevator.

The guys were still in the meeting when I got back. I turned on the phones again and went back to work. Things were going better than they had this morning, Xavier now teasing me instead of sending random GIF’s to show how bored he was.

My thoughts went to the charity dance. I needed to get a dress for the occasion. I checked my bank account, relieved that I had a good chunk that could be used for the purchase. I could even afford some shoes, jewelry, and a clutch.

Come the end of the day, the guys were still in their meeting. I ordered dinner and brought it to the room.

Simon met me at the door, taking the cart with dinner. He leaned forward to kiss me gently. “Hi, love. Thank you. We’re going to be a few more hours. You should head home. Call Charles to take you. Did you grab yourself some food?”

I touched his cheek as I nodded. “I’ve got work to do, so I’ll wait and eat at my desk.”

A few hours later I awoke when I was lifted into arms.

“Mmm?” I wiped my mouth where a little drool had escaped. Ew, how embarrassing? I’d fallen asleep without realizing it.

Elias looked down at me with a soft smile. “You didn’t have to wait.”

I rested my head on his chest and stifled a yawn. “Yes, I did. I don’t want to go home without you guys.” I blinked looking at the others who looked exhausted. “How did the meeting go?”

“They’re holding out on us for some reason.” Simon was grim. “If they don’t stop acting like children, we may cancel the purchase. We thought things were taking a turn in the afternoon, but their lawyers added in some ridiculous clauses that made no sense.”

“I’m sorry.” My voice was muffled against Elias’ chest. “Want to fuck me? Make you feel better?” I was still on edge since they hadn’t touched me last night.