Page 51 of Perfectly Knot

“My pleasure,” he growled and carried me to the bed. My back hit the mattress, and he made quick work of removing my clothes.

Xavier sank back on his haunches and just stared at me. Without the blinding haze of my heat, I felt more self-conscious under his intense gaze. I lifted my arms to cover my breasts, but he put a stop to that real quick.

“Don’t hide from me, Princess. I love every inch of this luscious body and I’m going to show you with my mouth, tongue, and cock, just how much I worship you.”

My eyes fluttered closed and tears burned behind my eyelids. Even gruff Xavier could speak such beautiful words that burned me to my very soul.

He cupped my cheek. “Open your eyes. I want you to watch.” He kissed each of my eyes, the tip of my nose, and my lips before trailing down my neck to suck on my nipples.

I knew he’d already seen the scars, but to feel his lips tracing each one was as if he were mending me back together. The four men healed my soul and made me whole again.

“Xavier,” I cried out as his hand grazed up my thigh. His fingers slid between my folds, already wet with slick.

His intense eyes peered up at me from around my nipple as one finger slowly sank inside my pussy. Then a second. Oh gods. His thumb circled over my clit, and I threaded my fingers through his hair and tugged.

I moaned his name over and over, the word like a prayer falling from my lips. He took me higher and higher until the string snapped and I arched my back and my muscles tensed with the force of my orgasm.

He stroked me through it, the climax blending into another one before he withdrew his fingers.

An arrogant smile spread over his face as he bent close to my ear. “And that was just my fingers, Princess. I’m too impatient to get inside you or I’d give you a repeat performance from my talented mouth.”

He unbuttoned and shoved his pants down enough to free his cock. I tore at the buttons of his shirt, giving up with a grunt and ripping the material apart. Tiny objects went flying as I finally freed him from the offending shirt.

“I think you owe me a new shirt now,” he chuckled and tossed the ruined clothing over his head. My hands glided over his chest, tracing the lines of his tattoos before flicking his nipple piercings.

A low menacing growl reverberated in his chest. “You ready for me?” He slid the head of his cock through my wetness, groaning as he sank inside. “Fuck, Princess. Even after taking all our knots you’re still so fucking tight.”

Xavier braced a hand beside my head and laid his body more firmly over mine. I dug my hands into the muscles of his back, my nails probably drawing blood but as he began to thrust in earnest, I didn’t give two shits about that.

The slap of flesh on flesh filled the cabin, drowning out the low hum of the plane's engines as I clung to Xavier for dear life.

I was falling headfirst over a cliff without a parachute, but Xavier was there to catch me. He pressed a hand between our bodies to rub his thumb over my clit. “Come with me, Alena. Take us to the stars.”

With a scream, I obeyed, my body shattering into a million pieces as he rode the wave with me.

A short time later, my breathing slowed, and Xavier drew me into his arms. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to mind blowing orgasms,” I giggled, still high from the endorphins flooding my blood.

Xavier clutched me tighter to him, pressing a kiss into my damp hair and chuckled softly. “Mind blowing orgasms are a definite perk, but the best part is getting to fall asleep with you in my arms.”

Such emotion laced his words, and I tilted my head up to meet his gaze. “Xavier.” I cupped his cheek.

He laid his hand atop mine. “I’ve only ever known peace while sleeping with you or Julian beside me. It keeps the nightmares at bay.” He sucked in a harsh breath. “That’s a conversation for another time, but know that you are my safe haven, Alena. You.”

Tears fell down my cheeks as I snuggled closer, absorbing his warmth and giving him the comfort I could.

In my heart, I knew without a doubt I was already head over heels in love with these men.

Every single broken, haunted inch of them.



As the plane touched down, I couldn’t contain my excitement. “We’re here!”

After making love with Xavier, I’d changed clothes. He’d had to dig for a fresh shirt and I wasn’t even sorry about it.

When we came out of the room, the other guys all clapped. My face was still red while Xavier had taken a bow. I’d glared at all of them.