Still here,she responded and Zamorra released a breath she didn’t realise she was holding.
Then what—
My power. It’s gone,her werewolf said, her fear rippling through Zamorra.
Zamorra’s panic must have been evident on her face because Barnabas spoke. “Calm down, youngin, this room is Warded to take away power. While you’re in here, you’re about as useless as a human. Come. Sit, sit.” He gestured to the few empty seats around the table.
Fucking great.Her werewolf shared her anger at the situation.
When she still didn’t move, Mathias gripped her roughly and dragged her to the empty seat beside the vampire. He shoved her down into it and then moved, taking his seat on Barnabas’ right.
She huffed and pushed a strand of hair out of her face, annoyed. She was getting real sick and tired of being pushed and shoved around all the fucking time. The smell of all the food on the table momentarily distracted her and her mouth salivated.
Okay, maybe it wasn’tsobad. She was hungry enough to eat a fucking elephant.
“Where is Braeden?” Barnabas asked, leaning back casually, running his eyes over Mathias.
“There was a problem at the main gate. I sent him to check it out. He’ll be back soon,” the shifter replied, lying effortlessly. If Zamorra hadn’t been there to see what really happened, she would have believed him.
“What kind of problem?”
“A human one. Don’t worry, it’s being handled.”
“Hmmm,” Barnabas said, rubbing his chin.
Zamorra snuck a glance across the table at the demon. Her black eyes were shooting daggers at the shifters talking amongst themselves, like she was just waiting for the right moment to stab them in the eye with her fork.
“Pssst,” Zamorra whispered, trying to get her attention.
Her gaze flicked over to her.
“Do you know what’s going on here?” When the demon just stared at her like she was some sort of idiot, Zamorra waved a hand down her body. “I’m Zamorra. My cell is next to yours.”
“I know who you are,” she gritted between clenched teeth.
“What’s your name?”
At first the demon didn’t answer, just continued to stare at Zamorra with that unblinking gaze. It made her hella uncomfortable, until she finally grunted, “I’m Lilith.”
“Know what we’re doing here?”
She shook her head slightly.
Zamorra glanced at the vampire at her side next. He was good looking, had that natural, sexual aura that vampires emanated. But it didn’t affect her, just rolled right off her skin. He had deep black hair, thin lips, a straight, narrow nose and the brightest red eyes she’d ever seen. Black, claw tipped fingers tapped along the arm of his chair as he stared back at her.
Her werewolf rose to alertness, eyeing the vampire with caution. He wasold, older than any other being she had come across, including Luther. She sensed power running deep in his veins, despite the Ward spell lingering in the air.
There was something different about him, something Zamorra couldn’t quite put her finger on as she ran her eyes up and down his large frame. Her senses screamed at her totread carefully. That this being could rip her apart without even fucking trying. The fact that he was shackled to his chair with silver cuffs while the rest of them were free spoke volumes of the strength he possessed.
“And you are?” she asked, going for nonchalance.
He arched an eyebrow, a small smirk gracing his lips. “I’m Daeva. And yourself?”
“Zamorra. Werewolf shifter. I’d say it’s nice to meet you, but if I’m being honest, it’s not. I’d rather be anywhere but here right now.”
A soft laugh escaped him. “Yes, I agree.”
She looked at the light and dark mages who sat either side of Lilith. The dark mage, she had briefly glimpsed when she walked past his cell. He was short, with brown hair and light green eyes. Anger vibrated from him as he scowled at Barnabas, who continued to talk with Mathias like he wasn’t being evil-eyed three ways to Sunday. The light mage looked like he was in his early fifties, with hair that was more grey than black and eyes that held a lifetime of wisdom. He was calm, his hazel eyes studying the scene before him with mild curiosity, like he didn’t give a fuck what was going on right now.