She groaned and flung an arm over her eyes to block out the light.
What the fuck happened?Why does it feel like someone’s taken a red-hot poker and scrambled my fucking brains?
Don’t ask me, I have no idea,her werewolf responded.
Zamorra shot up in shock and instantly regretted it. She swayed and quickly slapped a hand to the bed before she toppled over. She wasn’t expecting her werewolf to actually respond. She thought Barnabas would have put the spell back in place that blocked their connection.
Wait a second…bed?
She took stock of her surroundings, and yep. She was in a bed alright, not the dank, dirty floor of her cell like she would have expected. She was in what looked to be a spare room, with a double bed, two side tables and a dresser along the far wall. Frowning, she glanced down at her body, taking notice of the clothes that were definitely not hers as the memories before she passed out sailed through her mind. Of her psyche blending with her werewolf’s.
You got any idea what that was?Zamorra asked her werewolf. She swung her legs off the side of the bed and stood on shaky legs. The long white tunic on her body flowed down to her bare feet and she grimaced. Who the fuck put this on her? It wassonot her taste.
No. I liked it though.
She rolled her eyes.Of course you did. You’ve always wanted to be able to talk without having to go through me.
Because you don’t do it right.
How do I not do it right? It’s talking. You can’t really get that shit wrong,Zamorra snapped, annoyed.
It’s the tone. Tone is everything, her werewolf said haughtily.
Zamorra shook her head in exasperation.I forgot how much you annoyed me,she said, narrowing her eyes at the entity.
I forgot how muchyouannoyedme.See? Tone. Is. Everything.
Zamorra growled and ignored her werewolf, heading towards the door instead of saying something back. It would just go round and round in circles.
Despite the fact that her werewolf had managed to annoy her within the first two minutes, Zamorra had missed her. She had missed hearing her voice and feeling her move around in her mind. It was comforting, soothing. It made her feel like even though she was in strange, unfamiliar territory, she wasn’t alone.
When that connection had been blocked, she felt well and truly alone. And she fucking hated it.
Just as Zamorra reached the door it swung open, almost whacking her in the face. She jumped back, narrowly missing it, and glared at the figure who walked through.
“Who the fuck are you?” she snapped at the tall, slim shifter. His silver hair made her pause, a frown on her face. His facial features were eerily similar to Barnabas’, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was a relation of his. If so, it meant he was also hers. By blood, anyway.
He scowled and looked down his nose at her, a sense of entitlement wafting off him. Like he was too good to be running around retrieving her.
“Let’s go,” he said gruffly, gripping her arm tightly.
Pain splintered her brain and she cried out in shock. Her vision blackened briefly.
What the fuck was that?
Her werewolf rose and sent a burst of power through her body to help fight off the death grip he had on her. She ripped her arm out of his grasp with a snarl. “Don’t fucking touch me. Where am I? What’s going on?”
He narrowed his eyes and they flashed silver.
Oh yeah, he was definitely a relation. She had met no other shifter with those characteristics apart from Barnabas and he was her “father”. If this guy had the same silver hair and silver eyes as they did, it meant he was related in some way to her.
“Who are you?” she asked again, running her eyes up and down his slim figure.
She sensed he was a Beta—a lower level one. Although he was low on the dominance and power scale, he had a strong connection with his werewolf that would make him a worthy adversary in a fight.
Those silver eyes burned with anger. “Isn’t it obvious?” he barked, voice dripping with distain, and Zamorra couldn’t help but wonder what the fuck she’d done to piss this dude off. She’d never even met him before. “I’m your brother.”
Her jaw dropped open.Brother? I have a brother? What the flying fuckity fuck fuck?And if the evil look he was throwing her way was any indication, he hated her. Despised her. She was so fucking confused about this entire situation. A few days ago, the only family she had left was her uncle. And now she had a fatheranda brother? It was like her life had turned into some bad soap opera show.