Page 127 of Cosmic Power

Luther ignored the ‘old friend’ comment. “There’s rumours floating around that you’re preparing to step down.”

“Pish.” Draego waved a hand through the air absently. “You should know better than to listen to rumours.”

“So you don’t have a little human pet you’re infatuated with? One you’re preparing to Turn so you can ride off into the sunset together?” Luther arched a brow.

Draego stiffened, his entire demeanour changing from easy and carefree to hard and deadly. He narrowed his eyes in an accusatory stare. “Where did you hear that?” His body was tight, muscles coiled and ready for action.

Where indeed? Luther made it a point to know everything about those in power. He needed to be prepared for any situation that could arise. Knowledge was power, after all. He didn’t think it was wise to inform Draego he monitored his movements. The vampire wouldn’t take kindly to it.

Luther shrugged lazily. “Fear not. I won’t share the information. But even you must know how dangerous such a move will be. Whoever replaces you might worry you’ll return to take the position back. They may take preventative measures.” Luther gave him a knowing look, hoping he could read between the lines.

Draego was silent. He studied Luther for the longest time, tension quickly building in the air. Luther didn’t shrivel under that powerful gaze. He stared right back, letting Draego see his intent.

Though Luther would never admit it, he cared for the vampire. He’d been there for Luther during the darkest time in his life. The least he could do was warn him the move he was preparing to make had dire consequences.

Eventually, Draego eased back, his carefree nature returning. He nodded slightly. “Thanks for the advice.”

After exchanging a few more words, Luther left and went in search of Zamorra.

It killed him not to offer her support and comfort when he saw the tears on her face earlier. Despite her tough nature, she had a kind heart. And that heart had broken at the cries of those poor babies and children being ripped apart by the fae.

Luther couldn’t deny it. It had broken his heart, too. There was nothing more heartbreaking than hearing a child’s cry.

All he wanted was to hold her in his arms and let her know he’d always be there for her. And he would. He meant what he said to Julius. The second he had seen that pretty boy shifter near Zamorra, expressing his interest, something dark and savage had locked inside him. Suddenly, all his worries and restraints about forming a mate bond had vanished.Poof,gone.

He wasn’t sure exactly what had brought it on, what had happened. He didn’t care. All that mattered to him was that itwasgone. That tight, constricting feeling he got whenever he thought about the mate bond was no longer there. The overwhelming darkness that crept up on him, clouding his judgement, disappeared. He could offer her what she needed. And that thought alone made him want to put a bounce in his step as he made his way to her assigned room.

He wouldn’t though. He wasn’t a young schoolgirl on the way to tell her crush she loved him. He was a man. But still, he felt happy enough that hecouldhave.

When he rounded the corner towards her room, he saw Axel standing guard at her door. He fought to keep a smirk from curving on his face.

Luther knew Zamorra wouldn’t be happy about being assigned a guard. But honestly, what did she expect? As much as he would like to, he couldn’t be by her side every minute of every day. And it was imperative she remained safe. So, he charged Axel with protecting her when he wasn’t around.

Granted, that left him unprotected. Axel and Darius were all that remained of his Elite Guard and Darius was back in Australia, keeping an eye on Vernon and Avalita until he returned. But Luther didn’t need guards. He only had them because his position as Regent demanded it.

When he returned home, he would replenish his ranks and upgrade four of his warriors to Elite status.

“My Lord.” Axel bowed his head at his approach, his hands clasped tightly behind him, a dangerous air surrounding him.

“How is she?” Luther asked, coming to a stop at the door.

Axel shrugged. “She seemed fine. Although, I detected sadness in her scent. I think she’s struggling.”

Luther nodded. He suspected as much. He felt even worse about not coming to find her straight away now. He shouldn’t have wasted so much time talking with the other Regents.

Anger at himself and his maker soared through him. He should have known his brave Little Alpha needed him.

“Her uncle stopped by a few hours ago. He hasn’t left.”

Luther rolled his eyes. Ah. The last thing he felt like doing was dealing with Void. He flicked his head to the side. “Go on, get some rest. I’ll let you know if I need you.”

Axel bowed again. “Yes, my Lord.” And then he was gone.

Luther took a deep breath to centre himself and opened the door, stepping inside.

The room was empty. Luther frowned. He moved further into the space, inhaling deeply. Her scent was here, it lingered in the air, but it wasn’t fresh. A few hours old at the least. So was Void’s. His frown deepened and he marched towards the bathroom. He threw open the door, expecting to see her, but it was empty, too.

Dread seized his heart. Panic burst in his chest and he spun, his eyes frantically darting around the room, hoping to see her hiding somewhere he hadn’t noticed before. He blurred back and forth, refusing to believe he’d lost heragain.It couldn’t be happening.No. Not again!