Luther glared.No onegave him orders.No onemade demands of him.
“Show it to me. Now. I want to see it.” Void approached in an aggressive manner and Luther growled in warning.
Void scoffed. “You think that’s gonna scare me? I can fucking growl, too.” He raised a hand and scratched the air. “Rawr. Now show me the goddamn video.”
“Ask nicely.”
“Oh, for fucksake,” Void whined, palming his face. “Please, oh please, Your Royal Highness, can I see what happened to my niece?”
Luther shook his head slightly. “Your version of ‘nicely’ needs a bit of work, but fine.” He clicked his fingers. “Darius.”
Darius twisted on the spot, still gripping his nose tightly with his head tilted back. “Yes-omf-my Lord?” he answered, bumping into yet another table.
“Get me the tablet.”
“Right away.” He vanished and reappeared a moment later holding a sleek black tablet in his bloody hand.
More blood poured down his mouth and chin, dripping onto the ground. His brown eyes took notice of Maddox’s unconscious body hanging from the wall and he gulped loudly. “Here yo-you go, my Lord.” His hand trembled as he handed the device over.
Luther sighed, taking the tablet. “Go clean yourself up, Darius. You’re bleeding all over the place.”
Visibly relaxed, Darius nodded and bowed at the waist. “Yes, my Lord.” With one final look over to Void—one that vowed revenge—Darius blurred out of the room.
Unlocking the tablet, Luther brought up the surveillance feeds from the cameras hidden all over his mansion and swiped to the relevant date and time. He flipped it so Void could see the screen as it began to play.
Void stepped closer and went to grab the tablet.
Luther pulled it back quickly out of reach. “Look. Don’t touch,” he barked harshly.
Void glared and mumbled something under his breath. He bent at the waist and stared at the screen.
Luther had no need to watch. He’d seen it a thousand times and could replay it in his mind while it played out.
“Son of a fucking bitch,” Void hissed, straightening his spine. He stared at Maddox, rays of hate shooting from his golden eyes. “That goddamn fucking bastard. I’ll fucking kill him.”
He took a step towards the dangling vampire on the wall and Luther stood, blocking his path.
“He’s not yours to kill,” Luther whispered, deadly.
“Bullshit he’s not! He’s the reason Zamorra’s in the hands of that twisted motherfucker. The kill is mine.”
Luther released a minor pulse of the power he had at his disposal in warning and Void faltered, stepping back. “I’m not going to repeat myself.”
“We need to question him! He might know where they’re holding her!”
Luther rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t know a thing. If he did, he would be dead. Barnabas isn’t the type to leave anyone behind that could compromise him.”
“Why the fuck is he still alive if he’s useless then? Fucker should be six feet under by now.”
“I have my reasons. Reasons that I do not need to explain to you.”
They glared at each other for a few tense seconds until with a huff, Void turned, pacingup and down the room angrily, grunting and growling incoherently. “You’ve got no idea what this means, how much danger she’s in.”
“I know.” Luther locked the tablet and placed it on the coffee table. “Zamorra told me what happens to females in werewolf packs. What do you think I’m doing here? I’m going to find her before anything happens to her.”
Void shook his head. “No, you don’t get it. If she was just a normal female werewolf shifter it might be different, but she’s not. Not to Barnabas.”
Luther frowned. “What do you mean?”