Page 109 of Cosmic Power

It didn’t help.

Zamorra got off the bed and started looking for her clothes.

“What are you doing?” Luther asked, his voice tinged with worry.

“I need to get some air.”


She ignored him, looking for her shirt and pants. When she saw the tattered remains of them littering the floor, she huffed in annoyance. She forgot he tore them to shreds. In the moment it was hot as fuck. Right now, it was just fucking annoying. She picked up her underwear and put them on. She grabbed Luther’s silk button up shirt from the ground next, slipping it over her body. It came to mid-thigh.

Good enough.

Luther stood, hands on his hips, eyes narrowed. “You’re going to have to stop and explain to me what the hell is going on. Why are you acting like this? So I don’t want to ever form a mate bond. So what? That doesn’t mean we can’t be together.”

Taking a deep breath, Zamorra turned to face him. It took a huge conscious effort not to dart her eyes down his naked body. She knew if she did, her brain would just melt into a puddle of goo under all of that raw sexiness.

“It’s not as simple as that, Luther. Shifters are…different. Not only is a mate bond somethingI’vealways wanted, it’s also something our creatures crave on a deep, fundamental level. They want—need—that connection with another. Right at this moment, my werewolf is content with the way things are. But that can change in an instant. When she’s ready to find a mate and start breeding—and eventually that will happen—just a relationship won’t be enough for her.”

“Can’t we just cross that bridge when we come to it then?” Luther suggested, shrugging a shoulder. “If your werewolf is fine with the way things are now, there’s no need to change it. We can still have fun. Take comfort and pleasure from one another.”

Zamorra wasn’t sure that was a good idea. The more time she spent with Luther, the harder it would be to separate when the time came. Right now, her werewolf loved being in his presence. His power and masculinity was like a drug to her; completely and utterly addictive. But when she was ready to take a mate, all that would be forgotten. She’d pull back from Luther and demand to find another who could give her what she wanted, and Zamorra would have no choice but to go along with it.

“I just need to think for a bit,” she said, turning her back on him and heading for the door.

Luther cursed. He blurred around the room, putting on his clothes quickly, and appeared in front of the door just as she reached for the handle.

He looked impeccable, not a single hair out of place. How he had managed to grab a new shirt, dress in a dark three-piece Armani suit and appear in front of her in a second flat boggled her mind.

“This is ridiculous,” he said, annoyance radiating from him. “If your werewolf isn’t searching for a mate right now, I don’t see why this is even a problem.”

Zamorra stamped down her initial anger, trying to see it from his perspective. It would be hard for him to understand because he wasn’t a shifter. He didn’t get that her werewolf’s will was just as strong as her own. When she wanted something, it was nearly impossible to fight it.

“It’s a problem because the more time I spend with you—kissing you, touching you—the more attached I’m going to get. And when my werewolf eventually pulls back from you in search of a mate, it’s going to break me having to end it.”

His lips thinned, red burning in his dark eyes.

“I just need to get some air. Think about what to do.” Though she already knew what she was going to do. She was embarrassingly attached to him now and they’d only shared one night together. She knew that more time would only bring more pain. She had to end things now, before her attachment got even worse.

Her werewolf snarled, not liking the idea whatsoever. She didn’t understand why Luther couldn’t just be open to the idea of mating.

Zamorra tried to brush past him and he gripped her by both arms, blurring them around so her back slammed against the door. His lips smashed against hers, his tongue sliding inside to tangle with her own.

Immediately, a jolt of burning lust hit her hard.

God, this man and his fucking tongue.

Luther angled her head the way he wanted and deepened the kiss, his tongue eagerly exploring hers as his hands threaded through her hair, gripping her tightly.

A moan bubbled up in her throat. She just couldn’t get enough of him. His taste. The feel of him. Everything about him just called to her. Why did he have to be so averse to the idea of a mate bond?

With a nip to her bottom lip Luther pulled back, staring down at her with such burning intensity it took her breath away.

“Think about that,” he rumbled, running his fingers lightly over her cheek. “Think about how I make you feel. How great we fit together.” He placed a hand over her erratically beating heart. “Not the future. We can have an eternity together, Zamorra. You just have to be brave enough to fight for it.”

Zamorra closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. His thumb rubbed lightly over her jaw, and she unintentionally swayed closer to him. Maybe she could forget about the mate bond. Maybe she could convince her werewolf that a life with him would be enough. That they didn’t need to form a bond to be happy. To have kids.

A disturbing thought streaked through her mind and her eyes snapped open. Luther frowned slightly at the look on her face.