Page 87 of Cosmic Power

He’d come for her.Again. Somehow, against all odds he’d found her, travelled across the galaxy, infiltrated the fae castle where she was being held and rescued her.

Darkness vibrated from Luther as he ran his purple eyes over her body, taking in all of the dry blood on her skin and clothes. His jaw clenched in anger, a deep growl slipping from his lips.

He stepped forward and crowded her personal space, pressing his body against hers as he gripped the sides of her mouth forcefully and slammed his lips to hers.

Zamorra moaned, long and loud, her fingers sifting through his white hair. She clutched onto his head and pulled him closer, revelling in the way he felt, his taste, the softness of his tongue. Lust exploded in her body, making every inch of her skin tingle. A deep, overwhelming desire claimed her soul. Made her shake with unbelievable need. A need for Luther.

Void gagged, shattering the erotic spell Luther’s touch and taste cast on her mind and body.

They pulled apart, both breathing heavily.

“Isodid not need to see that,” Void coughed dramatically, a hand at his throat.

Zamorra rolled her eyes and stepped back. “How did you guys even find me?” she asked, a zing shooting through her when Luther locked his fingers around her wrist, like he was afraid to let her get too far away from him.

“The Ancestrals used the residual energy from the portal to track where it originated from and we—” Luther stopped mid-sentence when he noticed the metal collar strapped to her neck. He cursed and gripped the sides of her face, tilting her head up to get a better look at it.

Void winced. “Fuck. Zo, you’ve got one of those doo-hickey thingies around your throat.”

“No shit,” she replied sarcastically.

“What’s it doing to you?”

“It’s blocking my connection to my were. I can’t access her power or shift.”

Void’s eyes widened in shock. “Well? What are you waiting for? Get that thing off her,” he told Luther, impatience in his tone.

Luther studied the collar carefully, eyes narrowed in concentration. He hooked his fingers around it and pulled slowly, softly. The metal groaned and the light in the centre flashed repetitively, releasing a high-pitched droning noise into the air. Void grimaced and covered his ears with both hands.

Luther immediately let go and the noise stopped, the white light returning to normal.

“What the fuck was that?” Void croaked, pulling his hands away.

Luther released a string of curses in Italian, power pulsing from his body. “We can’t take it off. At least, not here. There’s some sort of alarm system built into the collar. If I try to take it off, it will activate.”

“Those fucking douchebags.” Zamorra reached up to tug on the collar out of pure frustration, but Luther clasped her hand tightly to his, stopping her. “How the fuck are we going to get this thing off?” she hissed.

“We’ll have to figure it out later,” Luther said, heading towards the door. “We need to get out of here quickly before they notice you’re free.”

Zamorra dragged her feet. “Wait. We can’t just leave. They took other people, too. We need to rescue them.”

Luther ignored her, pulling her along easily. “We can’t risk it. Not right now. I have no idea where they are and I’m not going to risk our position to try and find them.”

“Luther!” Zamorra growled, struggling against him. “We can’t just abandon them!” If the Gold King was doing to them what he’d done to her, she needed to at least try to rescue them. Especially Lilith, her bitch of a cell buddy.

“Not happening.” Pulling his sword with his free hand, Luther stopped in front of the closed door. “Don’t worry, we’ll come back for them.”

It didn’t sit right with Zamorra to just leave them behind. But she recognised the look on his face. Luther wouldn’t be persuaded.

“Promise me.” Luther stared deeply into her eyes. “Promise me we’ll come back and save them.”

“I promise, Little Alpha,” he said with the utmost sincerity.

Zamorra nodded. That would just have to do. She tried to pull her hand out of his grasp and he tightened his hold, refusing to let go.

“Luther, you’re gonna need both hands.”

“No,” he snapped, his voice like a whip. “I’m not letting you go again. Void, open the door.”