Page 28 of Cosmic Power

Oh wait, he didn’t.

“She—I shit you not—dropped to the ground, whipped out my dick and gave me the best blowjob of my entire fucking life. I was like, ‘damn girl, your fiancée’s right there and you’re doing this? Hellooooooooo, slut.’ Then she slapped me in the face.”

Luther sighed and returned his gaze to the estate in front of him, tuning Void out.

Eastmeadow Estate was nestled deep in the woodlands, as if the surrounding nature had embraced it in a tight hug and refused to let go. Rooftops peaked above the surrounding rock walls. Cameras lined those walls, every thirty feet or so, monitoring everything within a fifty-metre radius. Shifters walked the outer perimeter like sentries, eyes roaming over every detail, looking for anything amiss.

Luther watched them, studying their movements intently from his vantage point high in the large oak tree, his claws tapping impatiently on his knee as he crouched on a thick branch.

Void straddled another branch on his left, his legs swinging back and forth while he continued to talk more shit Luther wasn’t the slightest bit interested in.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love a woman that’s a little rough, so the slap was kinda a turn on, but she—”

“You know what?” Luther said, glancing his way with an annoyed look. “I actually preferred it when you didn’t talk to me. It was a lot more…peaceful. Quiet.”

“Well, that’s rude,” Void huffed, lying down with his hands clasped behind his head, his legs still dangling either side of the thick branch. “You’re wasting your time, Lord Douche. There’s no way you’re getting in there while that Ward spell is up.”

Luther had sensed the Ward spell the moment they arrived, strong and potent. Its intent was unclear, but Luther could guess it was to keep unwanted guests out. It spanned the entire width of the estate, the dark magic reaching out to him and tempting him from afar, trying to seduce him to come forward.

That was the way dark magic worked; it was stronger, more potent. And because of that, it was also more dangerous. It could corrupt those who possessed it, twisting their minds and turning them down dark and evil paths—if the user allowed it. Dark magic was warrior magic, primarily used to destroy, to inflict pain and build strong defensive Ward spells, whereas light magic was the opposite. Though not as strong as dark magic, light magic still had its own advantages when it came to creating potions and enchantments.

Luther cracked his neck and adjusted his position slightly. They had been sitting here for over an hour and with each passing second, Luther grew more frustrated.

He just needed a moment, one quick opening when the Ward spell lowered, to dart in and look for Zamorra. If she was there, he would scent her instantly. There would be no hiding that intoxicating scent of hers.

Void clutched the branch under his head and with precise balance rolled backwards, landing in a crouch. He sprang forward, his claws bursting from his hands, and gripped the branch Luther occupied, scurrying to sit next to him.

“Alright, here’s the plan,” he whispered, cupping his mouth. “See that guy walking through the gates on the far right? The Vanilla Ice lookalike? That’s Lucas. He has a serious weakness for human redheads with big tatas. Dangle one of them in front of him and I guarantee you, he’ll ditch his post faster than you can say ‘ay caramba’.”

Luther frowned. “I would never say that.”

“Don’t lose focus, Lord Douche. Anyway, like I was saying, if we can distract Lucas, it’ll give me enough time to sneak in and find out if Zamorra is here.”

“No,” Luther barked. “I’m going in.”

“Ya can’t. That Ward spell only lets werewolf shifters through. And last time I checked, you ain’t one.”

Luther glared. “Are you telling me this whole time you could have gotten through that Ward with no problems? Why have we been sitting here for the past hour doing nothing?”

“Because we had to wait for Lucas to start his guard duty. Trust me.”

“Trust you?” Luther scoffed. He definitely did not trust the shifter.

“Yes, asshole. Trust me. I know these guys. I know how they work, what makes them tick. Barnabas has two teams of six who guard the outer perimeter in twelve-hour shifts. The only one that can be distracted is Lucas. Once we get him out of the way, I’ll be able to get in and out before anyone notices.”

Luther growled. He didn’t trust the shifter to look properly. He could miss something. He didn’t exactly scream professionalism.

“Growl all you want but this is the only way we’re going to know if she’s in there, unless you have another idea?”

Mumbling under his breath, Luther looked away, glaring at the estate with hatred in his red eyes. He didn’t have another plan, and that seemed to annoy him more. “Fine,” he relented.

Void nodded. “Alright. How quickly can you find a busty redhead?”

Luther’s brows snapped down in annoyance. “Why am I the one that has to find her?”

“Uhh, because I can’t compel humans, unfortunately.”

The shifter made a good point, as much as it pained Luther to admit.