“You’re a lying sack of shit!”
“I am many things youngin, but one thing I am not is a liar. That would be your mother.” With a final shove he pushed off the wall, stepping back entirely. “I honestly can’t believe you haven’t figured it out yet. It really makes me question your intelligence.”
Zamorra crumbled to the ground, her energy all but dissipated. Shit, not having access to her werewolf and the strength she provided was really starting to take its toll on her—mentally and physically.
Barnabas’ words ran through her mind. She frowned. “Figured out what?”
The Alpha shifter smiled sadistically and lowered to his haunches. Silver swirled into his blue orbs and Zamorra caught a glimpse of the deadly werewolf lurking behind his eyes. “That I’m your father, of course.”
“Impossible.” Luther barked, glaring daggers at Void.
Zamorra’s frustrating uncle scowled at him from across the room. “He is! All the signs are there.”
“What signs?”
“Apart from the physical resemblance, you mean?” Void replied with a snarky attitude. “The silver hair, silver eyes and silver werewolf are not enough clues for you? I thought you were smart.”
Luther’s expression darkened. “So just because they have similar attributes that automatically means they’re related? Do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now?”
“I’m not stupid. You take that back!”
“I didn’t say you were stupid. I said yousoundstupid. What other proof do you have, besides the fact they have physical similarities?”
Void pulled at the collar of the tiny checkered shirt he was wearing, clearly uncomfortable. The clothes on his back belonged to Clive and were several sizes too small for him, his thighs almost tearing through the small pair of shorts on his legs.
“Seriously? You’ve got nothing bigger for me to wear? I feel like my balls can’t breathe.”
“Should have thought about that before you shifted and challenged me.”
Void squirmed on the spot, rearranging his privates. “Vindictive asshole,” he grumbled.
“Quit your whining and explain yourself. What else makes you think Barnabas is Zamorra’s father?”
“I don’tthink, Iknow. They have a familial bond. It was clear the night of the Regent Meeting.”
Luther frowned. “A familial bond? What is that?”
“When a shifter is born, they’re born with a strong spiritual connection to their parents, their relatives. It’s usually established at birth, through the first physical touch. It is a unique way for their creatures to create a bond with one another. But since Zamorra never met Barnabas, their connection never formed. When they shook hands and their skin touched for the first time, that connection formed instantly. It’s why she was in so much pain. Zamorra and her werewolf were hit with a strong physic blast, one that completely overloaded their senses.”
Interesting, Luther thought. He knew shifters had a complex relationship with their creatures, but he didn’t know that relationship extended so far.
“Does Barnabas know? That he’s her father?”
“I guarantee that’s why he took her. Why he’s hunted her all her life. She not only has the power to birth pure Alphas, but she also has his blood in her veins. Bloodlines are crucial in werewolf society. They determine the hierarchy of a pack. Barnabas has been trying for years to have a son that was born an Alpha, but with the fertility issues within our community, it was next to impossible. It took decades to conceive the two sons he has now and they’re both Betas. With Zamorra in his grasp, he can use her to get an Alpha male in his bloodline to succeed after him.”
“He’ll breed her?”
Void’s legs twitched uncontrollably, his face hard and pensive. “He’ll pimp her out to his high-level Betas until she gives him a grandson or dies trying.”
Anger tore through Luther like a tsunami and he clenched his fists, his nails biting into his skin so hard they bled. “We need to find her before that happens. You were in his pack, you should know where he hides out.”
“There’s a private estate where the pack lives, but he also has his own place. He could be at either one.”
“Where’s his estate?”
Void stood, his shirt coming to a stop just above his belly button. He tried to tug it down. “I’ll take you there.”