He ran a hand down his face. “She’s upset about a few things. And I don’t know how to fix it.”
“A few things?”
“It’s personal, Margaret.”
She tsked, unimpressed. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me the specifics.”
Luther doubted she could help even if she knew every minute detail. “It’s not that simple. It has to do with shifter nature. Something neither you nor I are particularly knowledgeable in.”
Margaret pursed her lips in thought. “But you know who is?” She gave him a mischievous look, pumping her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner that made him stiffen.
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “Not happening.”
“Come on. There’s no one better to ask and you know it.”
“I don’t care,” he snarled, his anger resurfacing. “I’m not asking him for a damn thing.”
“If you want to try and fix whatever is going on between you and Zamorra, you’re going to have to put your pride aside and talk to him.”
Luther growled in frustration. The last thing he wanted was to ask him for advice. He was liable to hold it over Luther’s head forever. To rub it in his face and do some silly fucking dance about it.
But Luther couldn’t deny the fact that out of everyone, he was the best one to ask.
Luther paused in the doorway, his brows raised and eyes glued on Void as he danced his way around the room, singing along to ‘Man! I feel like a Woman’ by Shania Twain as it blasted from a set of speakers. It was so loud the shifter didn’t even hear when Luther opened the door, the walls literally shaking from the vibrations.
Void strutted, popping out his hip. “Let’s go girls.” He shook his ass from side to side, clicking his fingers. “I’m goin’ out tonight, I’m feelin’ alright. Gonna let it all hang outtttttt.”
Luther could do nothing but stare in bewilderment as Void continued to prance around like a complete fool, holding what looked like a hair brush up to his mouth and using it like a microphone. He was completely oblivious to Luther’s presence as he acted like he was performing in front of a crowd of thousands of people. Like he was some sort of mega pop star.
“Wanna make some noise, really raise my voice, yeah I wanna scream and shoooooout!”
Luther dug his phone out of his pocket and started recording, because why not? For a solid two minutes Void sang, danced, twerked, and the whole time Luther had to clamp his mouth shut to refrain from bursting out in laughter.
Void twirled on one foot like a ballerina and shrieked when he saw Luther standing in the doorway, phone in hand.
“Ah! What the fuck?!” Void quickly threw the hairbrush away and turned the music down, glaring daggers at Luther. “Ever heard of knocking?” he snapped.
Luther chuckled. “I did. You obviously didn’t hear me.”
“Then you don’t come in! It’s basic room etiquette.” His eyes narrowed on the phone in Luther’s hand. “You better delete that.”
“Or what?” Luther asked, tucking the phone back away and straightening the lapels of his jacket.
“Or I’m going to kick your fucking ass, that’s what.” Void bit out, eyes flashing gold.
“Will you?” he replied dryly, rolling his eyes. He casually walked around the room, hands behind his back, ignoring the death glares Void was sending his way.
“What the fuck do you want anyway, Lord Douche? I’m assuming you didn’t come to see me just to be in my wonderful, beaming presence?”
“You would assume correctly.”
“Then what?” Void barked impatiently, tapping his foot. “I’m quite busy so if you’d get to it, that’d be great.”
Luther gave him a pointed stare. “Yes. You looked very busy,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
A red tint flashed over Void’s cheeks.