Page 74 of Alpha Power

Her eyes travelled to Ophelia and they locked eyes. Rage and hate emanated from the vampire, but she kept her mouth shut, not saying anything snarky.

Zamorra evaluated her. Did Luther know of her little mystery man in the woods? If he didn't and she was conversing with a mage behind his back, it could end badly. Should Zamora tell him? Well, there wasn't really anything to tell yet. Ophelia hadn't done anything wrong, but Zamorra had bad vibes about the whole thing and usually her vibes were on point.

Axel moved between two monitors, his fingers flying over the keyboards as he mumbled to himself. One of the screens displayed a map of Brisbane, a large white dot moving slowly throughout its streets. The other one showed a live video feed from six different body cams, all pointing at the same warehouse but from different angles.

"Soooo... what's going on?" Zamorra asked, eyes darting between the screens.

To her complete and utter surprise, it was Axel who answered.

He lowered his headset to rest around his neck. "You see this guy right here?" He pointed to the white dot on the left screen.


"That would be our good friend, Kylo."

"Ky-" she frowned, looking at Luther. "That thing you put in him was a tracker?"

"Yep." Axel answered instead.

A loud click clacking sound echoed through the room as he typed at a ridiculously high speed. "Bit of a boring guy if you ask me. Just goes to work, the gym and then home." The screens changed, showing an image of Kylo with a bunch of information all about him next to his photograph. A picture of his gym, work and home appeared next, all in rapid succession. "At least, that's been his routine for the last three days. No weird or freaky transactions on his credit card either. Nothing suspicious that would point to him being a drug dealer, but we all know looks can be deceiving."

Zamorra stared at Axel in shock, her eyes bulging from her head. That was the most she had ever heard him speak before. At all. His entire demeanour changed, like a fog had been lifted revealing an entirely different side to him. A different personality. He was carefree, energetic, even downright giddy, which was weird for her considering how quiet and standoffish he always appeared to be. She wondered what it was about this room, this space that made Axel come alive.


"Don't worry, you're not going crazy," Darius whispered, leaning close to her. "This is what we call Axel 2.0. You'll only ever see him in the tech room."

Axel continued to type away, ignoring their conversation completely. "And this here is a live feed from our soldiers out in the field." He pointed to the screen with the six individual body cams, each one displaying a name, rank, and video of their current position.

Wow. They were really organised and well prepared. Zamorra shouldn't have expected any less. Luther was a massive control freak, always needing to be in charge and knowing what was going on at all times. Stands to reason he would have eyes everywhere. They were monitoring both Kylo and the warehouse where the exchange was set to take place.

Zamorra frowned as her eyes darted between the monitors. "Today's the day he's meeting his supplier in the city?"

"Yes," Axel replied.

"Then, why is he going in the complete opposite direction to the warehouse?"

There was a brief moment of silence, then all eyes honed in on the screen with the big, white dot. Sure enough, it was moving further and further away from the city and heading towards the coast.

"Maybe he's got a pit stop or something to go to first?" Maddox suggested, studying the screen.

"Any movement from the warehouse?" Luther asked, tapping the mic in his ear.

"Negative, Sire," a deep voice crackled back through the speakers.

The white dot moved forward a few more metres then flashed repeatedly on the screen, followed by a loud beeping noise that blared from the speakers.

“What's going on?" Luther asked, frowning at the screen.

"Crud," Axel cursed, eyes focused as his fingers typed frantically.

The beeping got faster and faster, the dot blinking furiously until suddenly it stopped altogether and turned red. A loud droning noise echoed through the room.

"What just happened?" Luther demanded.

Axel bit his lip nervously. "The subject... is, uhm... dead."

Luther frowned for a moment. "Move in, now!" He barked.