His brows lowered in confusion. "Be-what?"
"Behonkus. Asshole. Dickwad, whichever you prefer. They all fucking match."
Luther looked offended. "I havenotbeen acting like any of those things."
She snorted in derision. "Then I didn't see your summons." She was sick and tired of this cat and mouse game he kept playing with her and she wasn't gonna take it anymore.
Zamorra shoulder barged past him, intent on leaving him and this conversation behind altogether, but Luther had other plans. He gripped her wrist and spun her so quickly her back smashed into his front, eliciting a gasp of shock from her lips. His arm snaked around her waist like a bar of steel as he gripped her wrist tighter, holding it firmly between her breasts.
Luther lowered his lips to her ear, his hot sweet breath caressing her skin and sending goosebumps over every inch of her body. "You seem to be under the impression you're in charge here, Little Alpha. So, let me make this perfectly clear for you." His deep, seductive voice made her knees wobble and heat curl down her spine. "Youwillanswer my question, even if I have to make you."
Anddddd, just like that all that desire and lust flowing through her vanished, replaced with a burning, hot rage.No onecould make her do something she didn't want to do.
She didn't have access to her arms, not with the way he held her. So, she used the next best thing. Her head.
Zamorra slammed the heel of her foot down onto his expensive Italian loafers at the same time she flung her head back, smashing her skull into his face. Luther cursed and immediately let go, stumbling back in shock.
Zamorra spun, flames of anger shooting from her silver eyes as they blazed brighter than the sun. "Andyouseem to be under the impression I'm one of your mindless minions and I'm not. You willneverbe able to force me to do something I don't want to do."
Those luscious lips of his curved up into a smirk. "Are you sure you want to do this, Little Alpha?"
Was she sure? No. Of course she knew that in a fight between her and Luther, there would be no competition. He would win. But that didn't matter to her. Standing up for herself? Yeah, that mattered a hell of a lot. A low growl rumbled from her chest and Luther smiled, flashing those razor-sharp fangs.
"I'll take that as a yes."
With a gleam of excitement in his eyes, Luther advanced, taking each step slowly, cautiously. He moved with a certain grace a man his size should not possess. Confident, elegant and menacing all at the same time.
A predatory look crossed his face as he stalked closer and closer and Zamorra knew he was enjoying himself. Granted if the circumstances were different, she'd probably be having fun too, but there was too much anger and frustration flowing through her right now for her to enjoy this.
Luther reached for her and she grasped his arm tightly, twisting it downwards and forcing him to hunch over at the waist. She hooked a leg over his neck and flicked it back, flipping him through the air and knocking him straight on his back.
He grunted, a slight vibration running up her feet from the impact of his gigantic, muscle ridden body hitting the floor. He looked up at her with a small smile on his lips, amusement dancing in his dark eyes and then he vanished, using his vampire speed to blur away in an instant.
Zamorra crouched, eyes scanning the room quickly, but she couldn't see him. She had no idea where the big, burly vampire was hiding and it made her uneasy.
Hands suddenly gripped her from behind and spun her, then she was shoved right up against the door. His powerful body pressed up against hers and caged her in as she struggled for freedom, but it was no use. He had caught her and now, he had her right where he wanted her.
Zamorra snarled, frustration flaring to life inside her and he chuckled in her ear. The bastard was enjoying himself, go figure.
Luther's sharp fangs crazed the side of her neck and she froze instantly. She wasn't an idiot. She knew when to submit. A vampire's fangs an inch from her carotid artery? The perfect time!
"That's better," Luther murmured, his lips brushing against her skin lightly as he spoke.
Zamorra growled and immediately started to struggle again, annoyed with how easily he managed to subdue her.
"Uh, uh, uh." Luther's hands glided down her body and gripped her hips tightly. Heat pooled low in her belly, every nerve inside her lighting up like a fucking Christmas tree at the feel of his body touching hers. Desire blazed like a supernova between them, hot and heavy as Luther breathed in deeply, a hungry growl escaping his lips. "Tell me why you ignored my summons," he demanded through clenched teeth.
His body trembled over hers, muscles constantly flexing around her like he was having trouble containing himself. Good. It was about time he was the uncomfortable one during their interactions.
Growling, she replied, "you know why."
"Tell me anyway."
"Because I didn't feel like going head-to-head with your bitchy ex, okay? I guarantee you, once I got a whiff of her scent all over you, I would have snapped. There. Is that what you wanted to fucking hear?"
Silence befell them and Zamorra inwardly cringed. God damn it. She didn't mean to blurt that out and now he knew she was jealous. Perfect. Just fucking perfect. As if his ego wasn't big enough already.
She felt the rise and fall of his chest at her back as he took a deep breath in and let it out. Felt his hands clench around her hips and hold her tightly, like he was afraid to let her go. His head lowered to rest in the crook of her neck as his lips touched faintly to her erratically beating pulse.