Page 94 of Alpha Power

"Yes. He managed to slip away while we converged on you and your annoying uncle. Someone has placed a bounty on your head. A big one. It takes a substantial amount of money to get Morpheus involved."

"Morpheus," she whispered softly to herself. Okay, she had the who. Now, she just needed the why. "You know this guy?"

"I've crossed paths with him once or twice, yes. He's very goal-orientated and has unbelievable focus. Once he starts something, he doesn't stop until he's finished it. Whatever that might be."

"Meaning he'll most likely come after me again?"

Luther nodded, his powerful jaw clenched and a streak of red going through his dark eyes. "You present a challenge for him, being bound to me, and he loves challenges. The harder the better."

"Fucking wonderful," she cursed, leaning back, "First Barnabas, now Zorro. Why do I always attract the crazies," she muttered to herself. Her blue eyes flicked up to lock with Luther's own. "Do you know who put the hit out on me?"

"I have my suspicions," he replied casually.

Zamorra waited for him to continue, to elaborate, but he didn't. "Okay? Plan on sharing?"

Luther studied her intently, his eyes running over every inch of her face before he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees with his hands clasped together in front of him. A dark, primal look blazed from his eyes that automatically put her on edge.

"First, I want you to explain to mevery clearlywhy you chose to not only ignore a direct order, but also my summons."

Zamorra tensed, that feeling of unease growing quickly inside her. There was a certain level of darkness in his voice that made her go straight on the defensive.

"Very clearly?" She shrugged a shoulder. "Well, okay." She sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed, adopting a similar position to him. His eyes flicked down to her bare legs and his jaw clenched, eyes flashing a bright red. She tilted her head to the side and whispered. "I felt like dancing."

Luther's head snapped back up and he narrowed his eyes. "You felt like dancing," he repeated, deadpanned.

She nodded. "Yep, and I had the time of my life too. Crazy, murderous vampires notwithstanding of course."

She picked up her silver hair and tossed it to one side, exposing her long slender neck. Her pulse throbbed like crazy, and his eyes locked onto it like a man starving for a taste. His jaw clenched so hard she thought he was going to shatter his teeth. "Now, I wantyouto explain tomewhy you've been such a ginormous pain in everyone's ass."

"I'm sorry?" His tone walked the line between angry and incredulous, one of his dark eyebrows hiking up in surprise.

"Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you. For days you've been pissy, sullen and just downright unpleasant. Why?"

"That's none of your business."

A snarl blared through Zamorra's mind. Her werewolf did not like that statement. Neither did she, to be honest.

"Alright then." Zamorra got to her feet, Luther's shirt flowing down to her knees like a nightgownthose oldies wore in Willy Wonka. She scanned the room for her own clothes. If that was how he wanted to be then fine.

Luther frowned. "What are you doing?"

"That's none of your business," she parroted back to him, throwing his own words back in his face.

There was no sign of her clothing, so Zamorra headed straight for the double doors. Fuck him and this conversation.

Luther blurred in front of her before she even made it one step, his monstrous body trembling with fury. "I'm not finished with you yet," he growled.

"That's too bad, coz I'm finished with you." Zamorra stepped to the side and he mirrored her, blocking her path again. She snarled in frustration. "Get out of my way."


"What the fuck do you want from me?" She hissed.

"A proper answer. Why did you ignore my summons?"

Anger flared through her like hot, boiling lava, searing her insides and making her body heat with rage. Here he wasagaindemanding answers when he wasn't willing to give them back.

"Why have you been acting like the world's biggest behonkus?!"