"I don't- I'm not- would you quit it, get off me," Void growled as Darius began dragging him to the door.
Amusement rippled through her at their antics until with a huff, Void relented. "Alright!" He yanked out of Darius' grip and glared at him before turning to face her. "I'll be back soon, Zo." He stomped his feet like a child throwing a tantrum as he walked out.
Zamorra was a little surprised he didn't chuck a sarcastic comment or degrading insult towards Luther as he walked past, considering he never passed up that opportunity before.
"Glad you're okay, Z," Darius whispered, giving her a small smile as he quickly followed after Void, closing the doors behind him.
Zamorra watched them go, feeling conflicted. She hadn't been alone with Luther since their dinner at DeVos, which felt like a lifetime ago now. On one hand, she was pleased. She wanted to get some alone time with him to figure out what the fuck had been going on lately. On the other she was nervous, worried, annoyed, pissed off, sore and everything else in between.
Luther remained where he was standing at the foot of the bed, his powerful body tensed, and arms crossed over his chest. He looked like a big, angry, unbelievably handsome man ready to snap her neck.
The silence was killing her. It was absolute torture. She hated awkward silences and always found the need to fill them, even with incessant chattering that had no real context.
He just kept staring and staring and staring. The longer he stared the angrier he seemed to get until eventually she couldn't take it anymore and spoke.
"Okay, that's my bad."
He arched a brow "Your... bad," he stated, voice tight.
"Yes, my bad. I shouldn't have ditched Maddox and ignored your summons. Though to be fair, if I had have known a group of pissy vampires were gonna try and kill me, I wouldn't have done it... obviously."
"You knew you were being hunted."
"Yeah, by Barnabas." She waved a hand through the air. "I've been running from that dude for years, no sweat. I didn't think I had to worry about vampires too, since I'm bound to the freaking Vampire Regent." Muttering under her breath, she added "guess I was wrong."
Luther's body locked with anger and his eyes snapped to her. Another pulse of his ancient power shot out from deep inside him, making the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
He advanced with eerie silence; his footsteps as silent as a wraith on his dark marble flooring as he moved to her side. "Do you think it would have been any different if it was Barnabas that had found you instead?" His voice was quiet with a hint of menace that made a feeling of unease course through her veins.
Probably not.
Of course, now is when you choose to pipe up,Zamorra replied snidely to her werewolf.
Luther wasn't here before.
Have you forgotten how he just ignored us for days?
She hadn't and she wasn't ready to let that go yet. She could hold onto a grudge for a very long time.
"What happened?" Zamorra asked instead, opting to just ignore his question altogether. He did it to her all the time, so why not?
Her eyes travelled around the room, taking note of the dark masculine features and luxurious furniture. All those impressive pieces of weaponry hanging from the walls and that intoxicating scent enveloping her made it pretty obvious where she was.
It had to be Luther's bedroom, which meant this was his bed! Oh God, she was in his bed, and she wasn't wearing any fucking pants! Just that large, oversized shirt and her old granny panty underwear. She was fucking mortified!
"A vampire assassin tried to kill you," Luther replied casually, like it was an everyday occurrence for someone to be attacked by an assassin. He sat down gracefully in the empty chair beside the bed, unbuttoning his suit jacket. "We found you in that alley behind the club."
Zamorra's eyes widened slightly. "Vampire Zorro was an assassin?"
She shouldn't have been as surprised as she was to hear that, considering he moved with enough skill and grace to be a professional killer. But she was. Why the fuck would an assassin want to kill her? What could she have possibly done to warrant the wrath of someone like that?
Probably best not to open up that can of worms,her werewolf chuckled.
And what is that supposed to mean?Zamorra challenged, but she was met with silence.
A small chuckle escaped Luther's lips. "Vampire Zorro?"
"The dude reminded me of Zorro okay, don't judge me. Did he say anything? Why would he come after me? Is he still alive?" A million more questions floated around in her head, and she hoped she would get the answers she was looking for, for once.