Page 26 of Alpha Power

He gave her a blank stare. "Luther."

Oh. She turned to face him. "What did he send you for?"

"To take you to get your outfit for the mission tomorrow night."

Zamorra scrunched up her nose. "He was serious about that?" She shook her head. "I told him, I don't need company and I sure as hell don't need a damn babysitter."

Roman narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his massive chest, widening his stance. The picture was crystal clear. He was unmovable on the subject.

Zamorra groaned. "Fine, but I'm not paying for it. I'm strapped right now." She turned and started walking away. "Let's go Muscles, I'm driving."

He frowned. "My name is Roman."

"I know."

* * *

She didn't get to drive, but she did get to pick the car, so that was cool. Luther had an unbelievable collection of vintage and modern cars all sitting in the garage in his multi-million-dollar property. She had gone exploring and couldn't help admiring all the wealth and beauty of it.

Only his Elite Guards were permitted to use them, and Zamorra couldn't fault that. They were beautiful cars and worth more than anything she'd ever own.

She chose a bright red GT Mustang, loving the feel of the luxurious leather against her skin.

"So, Muscles," Zamorra began as Roman merged onto the busy highway, "tell me about yourself."

His blue eyes flicked to her briefly before going back to the road. He didn't answer.

"No? Nothing?"

In the few days she'd been with the vampires she'd only heard the big behemoth talk a few times, each time only consisting of a few terse words. It made her even more curious about him. He was an enigma.

"How about I tell you about myself huh? Getcha loosened up a little." She tapped a finger to her chin in thought. "Let’s see, I'm a Libra, but don't hold that against me," she winked. "I love to eat but I hate spicy food, it gives me the runs. I used to have a pet goldfish called King Tuket but my werewolf ate him."

A small snicker escaped his lips and then he scowled, like he was angry at himself for having found something she said amusing. Zamorra got the impression he didn't laugh much and that made her want to make him laugh even more.

For the next 30 minutes she proceeded to make his life a living hell. Any thought, no matter how weird or how random that popped into her head, she said out loud. She was determined to make him crack, to get him to loosen up a little and have some fun. She could guarantee he never had any fun. Not to mention the fact she hoped that if she shared a little about her crazy life, maybe he would too.

She mentioned when her and her boyfriend had once broken into their high school to spray paint a penis on their principal’s desk, the time she'd lost her virginity in the back of a ute trailer, and she even spoke about when she had first gotten her period at the school assembly - what a bloody (literally) mess that was. And yet, he didn't falter. Apart from an odd frown or smirk when she said something, he remained impassive and stoic.

When they pulled into the underground parking lot, she looked around and shivered. "Do you ever get anxiety going to a new place not knowing what the parking situation is like?" She wasn't the best driver, and she was even worse at parking.

Whenever she went somewhere she had never been before, she would always do a couple laps first to familiarise herself with the parking structure. Then and only then would she try to park, but for some godforsaken reason she couldn't park to her left. Her right? No sweat. But left. . . it was always a damn catastrophe.

Roman's eyes flicked to her as he maneuvered the Mustang into a tight spot between two other cars and parked effortlessly. "Not really," he grunted.

Zamorra blew out a breath. "Show off."

She opened her door and got out, scanning her surroundings. It was a habit her father had ingrained in her since she was a child. Always be aware of your surroundings. Who is in it. What is in it. Where you are. You never know when something could pop off, so it was best to always be prepared.

Roman joined her at her side as they made their way into the shopping complex. Friday nights were late night on the Gold Coast, businesses stayed open past their usual operating hours which suited Zamorra perfectly. However, it also meant the place was crawling with humans.

Most humans weren't aware of the supernatural’s that lived amongst them, but there was one small group of humans that did. They were called hunters. They dated back thousands of years and were known for being an organisation that shoots firsts and asks questions never. They hunted all supernatural’s mercilessly, killing them without any provocation. They were a bad bunch and Zamorra always tried to stay away from them.

Just because most humans weren't aware of the supernatural, didn't mean they couldn't tell something was different about them. As they walked through the centre, Zamorra peering into windows to catch a look at some of the clothes and Roman walking around with a permanent angry look on his face, she could feel the eyes of countless humans on them, watching them. Most of the women were staring openly at Roman and his massive frame, while others were giving her envious looks.

"Come on Muscles, I legit just told you my whole damn life story. You gotta give me something. Just tell me one thing about you, one little thing," Zamorra said as she steered them towards H&M, a retail clothing store she was sure she could find an outfit in. "Your favourite thing to do? Something you like? Anything?"

Roman frowned, giving her a perplexed look. "Why?"