Page 41 of Tempting Darkness

“But boys can be keepers,” I told him.

“Yes, and most are male. But we got you since you were the only person born on that day when the moons aligned. None of us were born with keeper gifts,” Kalen chuckled.

“I couldn’t have been the only person born on the nineteenth of May that year. That seems impossible.”

“You forget that is when the plague hit. It is also when many fae lost a mate and eventually their magic, seeing as the majority of fates were paired with harmony or white fae. We just got lucky a lot were forced into a human lifestyle,” Kalen told me.

I nodded, knowing full well of the effects the plague had had. However, his words made me wonder about my mother. She survived the plague, but then Darius told me that there was a second wave, making me wonder if that was what had killed her.

“When did the second wave hit?” I asked. For some reason, my mind seemed to lock onto that thought.

“Seven years later. You would have just turned seven by then. It wasn’t as bad, since some did survive, though only a few like Darius’s sister.”

I tried to figure out roughly how old I was. I knew it was a couple of days after my seventh birthday, yet I couldn’t remember her falling ill before she died. Her death was sudden. I just remembered coming into the living room, and my father jammed a needle filled with his blood into her heart.

I remembered wondering why he had a random needle with his blood. I thought it strange, but she was sick for a few days afterward. Dad wouldn’t allow me in the room with her, although I begged, not believing she was fine. A few days later, she just walked out while I was in the living room like nothing had happened. She was different after that. Dying had done something to her; it was an odd memory.

With a shake of my head, the memory faded.

“Your aura is so dark,” Kalen murmured, whisking his fingers around my face.

Chapter 35

“Reminds me of Darius.His is as black as coal.” Kalen chuckled.

“Probably because she is full of my blood and my magic is tainting her. It should wear off in a few hours, but until then…” Darius said, coming over to me. He gripped my wrist and clamped something on it. It looked like a silver bangle, and I examined it.

“Until my magic fades out of your system, you wear that,” Darius said, and I instantly felt its effects as he locked it in place. It sent a shock wave of exhaustion through me like a mood tranquilizer.

“Come on, Darius, was that even necessary? She hadn’t even noticed she had magic,” Kalen growled.Fuck. In my grogginess, I completely forgot. Though absorbing it from his blood in my system was a little harder than me absorbing directly from them by touch.

“Regardless, I won’t take the risk.”

“Exactly what do you expect me to do if I had magic? I have no idea where I even am.”

“Open a portal and leave. That is what I expect.”

I sighed. I would probably do that without question if given a chance again, but I had my phoenix here.Shit! My phoenix!I sat upright, and Darius growled at me. Lycus sat silently, watching us from the chair next to the fireplace.

I looked around for Tobias before my eyes landed on him sitting in the corner of the room. He must have felt my gaze on him because he lifted his head. My blood drenched his shirt, and once my gaze met his, I couldn’t pull it away, locked in a trance as the memory of the savage look on his face came back to haunt me. Tobias looked away as if he was almost regretful of his actions. I was thankful when he did because I couldn’t bring myself to look away from him until Darius stepped into my line of vision.

“Kalen, go get her something to eat,” Darius told him, and Kalen nodded, getting up when I noticed I was actually in their bed. How it took so long for that to come to my mind confused me.

Kalen left, and my stomach dropped when I found myself alone with the three of them. I looked down at my clothes to see I was wearing only a shirt. Vague memories of being placed in the shower flooded my mind, and I looked over at Lycus as I tugged the front of the shirt. I leaned down and sniffed it. Kalen’s scent was all over it.

“Darius dressed you,” Lycus answered the question that came to my mind.

I nodded. No point crying over them seeing me naked; it was already done. I was just glad I was unconscious when it happened.

However, Darius’s next words shocked me, and I swallowed my tongue. I wanted no part of this.

“Tobias will need to feed off you until he can control his bloodlust,” Darius said before glaring over his shoulder at Tobias on the floor in the corner, his arms over his knees and his head rested on them.


“It isn’t up for debate. Lycus or I will be with him when he does until he can control the urge to kill you anyway.”

“Why can’t he feed off one of you?” I asked.