Page 37 of Tempting Darkness

“Wait, but the fae plague hit before I was born,” I told him, and he hummed in agreement.

“Yes, but the second wave hit seven years later. She would have been the same age as you.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. I couldn’t remember a second wave being talked about. Besides, how did I survive it if there was one?

“It wasn’t like the first one. They poisoned the water system. We ran off town water. When the rumor started about the plague, my sister and mother went into confinement under the castle. She survived the first wave because it was airborne. My father had strict protocols on who was allowed in and out. They lived down there for three years before we realized they could come out. Mom wouldn’t leave her down there by herself. Yet, when the second wave hit, no one saw it coming, and the water supplies were poisoned. She had a bath and fell ill.”

“So, you used to do her hair?” I asked him.

“No… My mother’s. After Molly died, she became depressed and couldn’t look after herself. I looked after her until she died,” Darius answered. I swallowed, not knowing what to say, and he didn’t tell me anything else, just kept cutting my hair.

When he was finished, he tapped my shoulder for me to turn around before gripping the ends. His face was in deep concentration as he cut some of the hair around my face before making sure the ends were the same length.

He then nodded and stood up before he walked out. I stared after him before shaking my head and dusting off my shirt. Looking in the mirror, he cut just below my shoulders. Darius returned a few seconds later and placed some hair ties on the counter, not saying a word before he walked out again, leaving me alone. I quickly locked the door before cleaning up all my hair and dumping it in the bin. I then showered fast to get to the mess hall early and then back to my feathery friend.

Chapter 31

Irubbed my arms againstthe cold night air that drifted through the castle doors as I went downstairs. It was freezing tonight, and I worried for the phoenix since he was almost completely featherless and hoped he would be warm enough. Voices in the mess hall made me cringe as I approached it, but I needed to eat something; I was beginning to feel quite shaky. I couldn’t survive off toast alone.

I kept my head low as I made my way into the line, wishing I still had my hoodie to obscure my face. The smell of the food made me ravenous, and my stomach growled hungrily. The man in front of me turned and looked down at me before snarling and looking away. Retrieving a tray and plate, I made my way down the line. Only whenever I stopped at one of the stations, the server stationed there would close the lids, not allowing me to retrieve anything.

I rolled my eyes and went to lift the lid off of the last one, not really caring what it was. Only the moment I did, the demon stationed there slammed the piping hot lid on top of my hand, and I felt his magic make the lid vibrate as he used his magic to turn the steel red as he forged heat into it. I cried out and tried tojerk my hand free, but he growled and pressed harder. The steel lid burned my flesh, and I could feel the bubbling of my skin.

“Traitor!” he sneered at me while I held back the tears that threatened to spill. I would not let him see me cry. Gritting my teeth, I jerked my hand out, bringing the ladle with me full of what looked like stew, and tossed it at his face. He shrieked loudly, butfuck him. If I had my magic, I would have scorched the bastard alive and watched him burn for the shit they kept doing to me.

I silently promised myself that I would get my revenge and when that time came, these men would know who they fucked with. I had no idea when that would be. Today or tomorrow? Years down the road? However, when I came for them, they would wanna beg because I would burn this place to the ground with them trapped in it.

He clutched his eyes as the boiling hot liquid splashed on his face, and I examined my skin. Blisters bubbled on the back of my hand, and the outline from the pot melted my skin and tore my flesh away when I jerked my hand out. I turned away to leave when someone grabbed me by the back of my neck. I screamed and tried to fight back, but he was behind me as he dragged me closer to the bubbling stew. I clutched the sides of the bench as he tried to force my face into the boiling bubble.

Those present laughed, and my hand slid into the pot. Pain seared up my arm to my elbow. I hissed and yanked it out, only for my face to press too close. I could feel the heat against my face when I threw my boiled hand back and connected with something that made him let go. A shocked collective gasp filled the room as I turned on my attacker and looked at him. Clutching his manhood, he had dropped to the ground.Good to know I hit somewhere painful. However, that was short-lived when I got a good look at his face.

“You’re a dead bitch,” he choked out, and I looked in horror at the person I’d tossed the soup at. It was Deacon, one of Zac’s friends. I quickly ran from the room as I heard chairs screeching and didn’t bother looking back as I ran for the stairs.Fuck, I knew it wouldn’t end well. But what choice did I have? Once on the top floor, I knew I was safe or as safe as I could be in this dreadful place.

I had noticed no one other than my mates ever came up to the floor where my room was. Like it was off-limits to the rest of the recruits. I was thankful for that for once. My hand and arm seared with burning pain, and I rushed to the bathroom and turned the faucet on, placing my burned limb under the cool liquid. My hand looked like bubble wrap; the skin was that blistered. Tears welled in my eyes, and I knew that was the last of my dinner outings. It looked like my only meal would be breakfast if I could get there early enough.

I would have to manage until I found an escape out of here, but what would I do with my phoenix? I needed to find a way to get out of here and figured I would wait until he got better. If I carried him, it would slow me down, and if they caught me, they would surely kill him. So I needed to make sure he could fly on the off chance they did catch me. At least he could escape and be free.

When the pain subsided a little, I walked back into my room and flopped on my bed. I could try to sneak out tonight if they left my door unlocked. I could rummage through the bins for something for the phoenix to eat. He had to be hungry. I knew I was, but I wasn’t at the point where I was going to start eating everyone’s leftovers, not that I hadn’t dumpster-dived before. How did it get to this, my life becoming this nightmare? I knew it was because I’d called on them, but now I saw that for what it was: stupidity. But what about Kalen? Could I really abandon him after getting to know him?

I tried to light the stupid fire; the room was freezing, and whoever kept opening that damn window needed a swift kick up their ass. I glared at it before trying to yank it shut, and I actually managed it this time. The window slammed with a loud thud. I cringed, hoping they didn’t come in and think I was breaking the place up.

Turning back to the fireplace, I tried to get the coals to light a piece of wood on fire. They could at least leave me a lighter.Seriously, who uses a flint?I thought, picking it up and examining the ridiculous thing. I shook my head when the door opened, and Tobias stepped in. I jumped to my feet when I saw the hungry look on his face; his fangs protruded and before I even had a chance to find something to defend myself with, he had me pinned against the dresser. A feral growl left his lips as he pressed his face in the crook of my neck.

Chapter 32


We had just finishedeating dinner, yet I was craving something else. Someone else. I should never have fed on Aleera. I was only allowed to feed on Lycus and Darius, and I knew the reason for it but her blood had been calling me from the moment I laid eyes on her. I told myself just a taste, but I knew I was done for when I fed on her and tried to take the shadows from her.

Lycus watched me; he had been looking at me strangely all day since he found me arguing with Aleera.

“I need to check the wards in the forest. Do you want to come?” Darius asked, getting up from his seat.

“No, I will wait here,” I told him. He tilted his head to the side, examining me. I always went with him, and I knew he was suspicious of me, too. They all were. My hunger was insatiable, one of the reasons I was only to strictly feed on Lycus and Darius. They could fight me off. Kalen and Aleera, not so much if I lost control.

“When did you last feed? You seem to be in a mood,” Darius asked before his eyes flicked to Lycus.

“Earlier off me, twice actually,” Lycus answered, and Darius turned his gaze back to me. I noticed Kalen get up to head towards the bathroom, and I growled in warning at him.