Page 14 of Tempting Darkness

“Darius grew up here, and this was his home. Darius turned it into a dark-arts training facility. They are all teachers in a way. Who better to teach dark magic than the Demon King himself?” Zac answered.

“So, you all like it here?” I asked, glancing around at the table, wondering if I could get an idea of where here was.

“Well, we all volunteered, so yeah. We may be demons, but we want to catch the ones responsible for releasing that plague and taking over the world also sounds promising,” Zac answered, and I nearly choked on my food.

“Wait, Darius is building an army?”

“Why else would we be here?” Satish said with a shrug. Suddenly an alarm blared loudly, and everyone jumped to their feet.

The silent instruction had me scrambling to my feet after them, and I followed Zac, dumping my half-eaten breakfast on the bench like everyone else as they filed out.

Zac grabbed my hand, pulling me after him, and a few people trod on my feet by accident. I hissed when I felt my toenail bend back. Zac stopped, looking back at me, and I looked down at my sock, blood staining the toes. I ripped the sock off quickly, knowing the tugging would make it annoying. I pressed my lips together for a second to stop from swearing. My toenail was half ripped off.I could live with that. I quickly removed my other sock since everyone appeared to be going toward the main entry doors.

“Man, you must have really pissed him off for him not to give you shoes,” Zac said, tugging me toward the door leading out. Excitement bubbled in me; this could be my chance to escape. That thought instantly died down when I stepped outside and saw vast fields with different obstacle courses and then nothing but dense forest, making me stop.

“Hurry up. Tobias doesn’t like tardiness. The first lesson is with him,” Zac explained, and I nodded, trying to keep up.

“What does he teach?” I asked, trying to hide my disappointment at not seeing a road leading in here.

“Hand-to-hand combat and the tracks,” Zac said, and I stopped completely.

“As in fighting, like in combat?”

Zac looked at me like I had grown two heads before he laughed. “Well, that is why it is called hand to hand.” He held up his fists.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you,” Zac said, and I let out a breath of relief before letting him pull me along after him.

“So, how many men and women are here?”

“Six hundred men.”

I waited for him to tell me Darius was joking about there being no women, but when he added nothing else, my stomach dropped a little. “Wait, there is really no other woman here?”

“Nope, you are the only one. Lucky you, aye?” he said, tugging me to an empty place on the field. Men started getting into different stances, and I looked around nervously. A few were stretching, and some were just chatting among themselves.

“Well, I thought you would be a complete asshole since Darius asked you to show me around, but I am glad to see he was wrong about you,” I told Zac as he led me over to his friends.

“He ain’t wrong about Zac. He is the cruelest of us all,” Satish said, clapping a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder at him, and he took a stance behind me when I saw Deacon move to my side and Lyle come up to the other.

The four men were boxing me in. Looking over at Zac, he had a smirk on his face.

“What?” I asked, my voice trembling, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with how they were all staring at me.

“Darius told her to her face that we would make her miserable, and yet she thought we could be friends.” Zac laughed, and my stomach dropped.

What the heck just happened?But they were nice a few seconds ago. Satish sniffed the air deeply, and I spun to find him directly behind me, too close. I took a step back only to be shoved.

I landed in the mud, losing my footing and headbutting the ground hard enough that black dots danced in front of me before I hauled myself up onto my hands and knees, only to be kicked in the stomach. The air left my lungs in a long wheeze. I could hear them laughing and braced myself for another blow when a whistle sounded. They all stopped, and Zac kneeled next to me while I gasped for air.

“We told you our names, not because we want to be your friends, Aleera, but so you know who to whine to Darius about,” he sneered before shoving my face away. The whistle blew again, and a pair of boots stopped in front of my face. I looked up with my blurry vision.

“Get up. Why are you on the ground?” Tobias spat at me. I looked over at Zac, who smirked.

“Tripped,” I told him, and Tobias reached down, seizing my arm and yanking me to my feet. I tried to wipe some of the mud off using my hands but only managed to smear it worse.

“Fucking disgusting,” Tobias growled before stalking off, and I gritted my teeth, fighting back the urge to cry. I couldn’t let these monsters see me as weak; I had to learn to block them out. At least until I escaped.

“Twenty laps, then the obstacle course, no one-on-one today. You have your prep exams,” Tobias called out to the men.