“How long has it been?”

“I don’t know, took me a while to find you or maybe it was second I have no idea, time is weird back here,”

“Can you go back please Layla? I want to be alone”

“Maybe that is the problem Lily, we are always alone. I’m alone, you’re alone, maybe if we were together, we wouldn’t feel so alone,” She rambles.

“That’s not what I meant. I don’t want to remember, you being here brings it back, now go”

“I will if you come back” She says tugging on our already broken link.

“It’s not broken Lily, don’t think that”

“We are broken Layla, why am I the only one of us that realises that”

“Because you’re the only one that thinks it, we are perfectly imperfect. Maybe we aren’t broken, maybe the pieces are just lost, we just need to put the pieces back together” I say nothing, just letting her ramble like she does. I don’t know how long we sat there in the darkness when her questions made me tune back in.

“If you could have one thing, what would it be?”

“You know the answer already, Layla”

“Well, I can’t bring Dad back so choose another” She says.

“I don’t know then”

“You want to know what I want?” She asks.

“What do you want, Layla?” I ask, bored with this questioning.

“I want you to accept yourself and forgive yourself”

“Forgive myself?” I say rolling my eyes. “I have done nothing, to need to forgive myself”

“Yes, you have. You gave up, gave up on us. We were never broken Lily, we were never whole to break. How can you expect anyone else to accept us when you don’t. I have always accepted you. I never wanted to be by anyone’s side more than I have wanted to be by yours” She tells me.

“Not even Damien’s?” I ask.

“I would love to do a lot of things to Damien, but If I had to choose, I would choose you. So can you forgive yourself or at least try. We don’t have to do this alone, not anymore. I won’t ever leave you Lily, you are mine”

“As you are mine, Layla”

“So you will do it?”

“Do what?”

“Come back and accept us as perfectly imperfect” She says and I chuckle.

“Yes, Layla. I will try but I don’t want to go back”

“Well, maybe we stay for a bit, probably best that way, your sister scares me”

“Aria? Why, what did she do?”

“Oh nothing, just”

“Layla, what did you do?”

“I will tell you only, if you promise not to get angry”