Maybe if we clean up and make everything better, Lily will come back. I think to myself before trying to tug on the link again, only to find nothing. Once on the bottom floor, I hear talking, Tabitha and Damien seem to be having a heated discussion. I hear Tabitha apologising about the baby not being his. Hmm, well things are already looking up.

“You hear that Lily, the pup ain’t his” I yell to her hoping she can hear me and will at least reply. She doesn’t, I try to make a mental list of shit I have to do, like Lily does. She always has lists tucked away in our head of the things she has to do or wants to do. Lists for everything, always taking up space in our head. Seriously, the girl needs to relax with the lists. Needs to just go off instinct. Things would be easier that way. Trying to remember what Lily might do in this situation. I make my list. Clean shit, fix shit, get drunk. Hmm, sounds like a list she would write in our head, but how do I do that?

This would be so much easier with Lily’s commentary telling me what to do but I can deal, just smile and be nice, don’t kill anyone except Kade. Possibly Aria, can’t believe she kept this from us. Our father would be alive if we had warning. Why was he even alive, they said he was dead? They fucking lied to us, they always lie. I let my burning anger for Aria fester, pushing it away so I could do what I needed to do to get Lily back. Marching down the hall, I hear Tabitha ask about her mate.

“Are you fucking joking right now, we just got attacked by rogues and you want me to release one?” Damien yells at her. I actually feel bad for her. He could be a jerk sometimes.

“Let him out, I was going to ask you, anyway. He isn’t a threat” I tell him walking into the room, I know that’s what Lily would say and want. Lily was the sort of person who would never make someone else suffer, the one that bottles everything up to hide from others, so they don’t worry about her. I really didn’t understand how after everything she wasn’t angry. I was constantly angry for her. She gets furious with Damien, though something about him rubs her the wrong way. She likes to think of herself as an independent woman, yet I know she absolutely loves the way he takes control, likes his dominant side. It turns her on, even if she won’t admit it. She hates being in charge and Damien hates not being in charge, so really it is a good mix.

Walking over to Tabitha, I want to see what this kid looks like. They always say how cute babies are and that you can tell who they look like. “It isn’t his. I am so sorry Luna; I swear I didn’t know” Tabitha says. I nod my head before stroking the baby’s hand.

The thing is cute, but I don’t know what they mean about instantly being able to tell who they look like, reminds of squishy play dough with eyeballs. Smells like its mother’s vagina. I fight the urge to growl just thinking of Damien sticking his dick in the wench that helped destroy Lily. Turning away before I do something Lily won’t forgive me for, I start cleaning.

Note to self, try to leave bodies intact for easier clean up. No wonder Lily hates when I come forward. What a bitch this is having to clean up after myself. I can feel Damien watching me. As I bend down, picking up a leg. “Layla?” He says and I feel myself get excited over hearing my name roll off his tongue. Turning, I look at him. I don’t say anything, just stare at him. Either I suck at being Lily, or he can feel the difference between us. I am actually shocked Darian didn’t try reaching me through our bond.

Damien looks concerned. Turning away, I concentrate on the task at hand, cleaning up the mess I made.

Chapter 33

Damien POV

Layla cleaned up all day and night. She barely said anything. I know in this form she has a bit of a language delay and I wonder if that is why. Her words scared me, and I have tried to get her to tell me what she meant, but she won’t answer.

Walking in the kitchen, I find her looking in the fridge. The hole in the wall is repaired now, but it needs painting and looking at it really grinds my gears. Everything needed to be in order, for it to stay that way and that wall was not in order.

Layla stands up, having found what she was looking for. I am shocked when she turns around with a beer in her hand. I was nearly tempted to take it from her, but then thought maybe drunk, I can get answers from her.

“If you want to know when she is coming back, I can’t tell you because I don’t know,” She says, turning around trying to work out how to take the lid off. I suppose she hasn’t mastered using fingers. I go to help her when her claws slip out and they go into the can and she peels the top back, using her claws like a can opener. I stare in disbelief. Not once I have ever seen a wolf do that.

“What?” she says, looking at me.

“Nothing, they have a pull ring on top” I tell her pointing to the can. She looks down at the lid in her hand.

“Yeah, I couldn’t get these fingers under it, I have seen Lily do it, but doing it myself was a little awkward. These work just as well.” She says, lifting it to her lips.

“God, this is nasty, tastes like piss,” She says.

“You don’t know what beer tastes like?” I ask her, wondering how she doesn’t when Lily used to spend most of her time drunk.

“No, Lily prefers vodka, tequila, the shit that burns. She only drinks beer when that’s all there is, and for the most part, I try to block her out when she is drunk. She makes me angry” She says walking over and sitting on a stool.

“Aria will be here tomorrow, she was held back. She is having trouble with the kids” I feel anger roll off Layla at the mention of her name and I wonder why she is angry at Aria.

“We need to know what to do for the funeral” I ask her, hoping it might make Lily come forward.

“Don’t people just dig a hole and drop the body in it and put some decorative crap on top,” Layla answers, which doesn’t help at all. I suppose I will just have to ask Aria.

“Will Lily be back for the funeral”

“No, I don’t know. I hope soon, because this skin thing is a little itchy, and she really needs to cut this hair. It just gets in the way,” She says, swiping at her hair. I point to the hair Tie on her wrist. And she looks at me like I have grown two heads.

Gripping her wrist, I pull it off before standing and moving behind her. I pull her hair into a bun, well as good as it will get. I don’t have long hair so it doesn’t look perfect, but it will do, and I worry about Layla chopping Lily’s hair if it becomes annoying. I love her hair.

“Thanks” She mutters.

“You don’t watch Lily much?” I ask, confused how she doesn’t know some normal simple tasks. I know if I let Darian take over, he can do most things, could probably even cook. He just isn’t comfortable, says it makes him on edge and doesn’t feel right. Looking at Layla though, she looks pretty comfortable, relaxed even though she can’t do the simplest of tasks.

“No, I usually block her out, unless you’re there or her father. He is funny or if she is in danger," She replies, taking another mouthful and scrunching her face up.