
I growl at him, calling for Layla but I only get silence. I need to shift, but without her I can’t.

Chapter 30

Lily POV

I keep my eyes glued on the man that destroyed my life, destroyed my wolf. Refusing to even blink, my heart pounding and adrenaline making me antsy as it pulses through my veins. Little red dots appearing through the dust directly aimed at both me and Tabitha and her newborn baby. When suddenly I heard Layla’s voice in my head, she sounded drugged and her words slurred, but she was furious and she wanted blood.

“Bout time you came to the party” I snapped at her, “we need to shift” I tell her but she shakes her head.

“We can’t”

“What do you mean we can’t shift?” I ask, keeping my eyes on Kade as he saunters into the room. The only thing separating us is the dining table in the centre of the room. I see movement out of the corner of my eye and hear my father groan.

“Darian is hurt, I don’t know why, but I am too weak to shift. I have tried, I think whatever is happening to him is affecting us,” She tells me.

Kade drums his fingers on the table and I see his men turn their guns on my father as he stands up, a hand on his head disorientated. His eyes snapping to mine in panic as he takes in the predicament we are in.

Kade chuckles before taking a seat at the table like this is a casual get together.

“Well, isn’t this fantastic, the only person missing is Aria” He says and I feel Layla growl loudly and it bursts from my chest loud and menacing and even makes goosebumps raise on my arms.

Kade nods to his men as seven men redirect their guns to me.

“Well that is a problem, see I drugged your mate and it should have taken down your wolf when he died. So I am a little confused, I must say” He says, rubbing his chin, his beady eyes looking at me, like I am some sort of science experiment. In many ways, I actually was.

“He isn’t dead, Lil” Layla says, when she feels my panic at his words.

“Let me forward,” Layla says, pulling at our link.

“What?” I ask, confused why she would want to come forward when she can’t shift.

“Let me forward, I am more than comfortable in your skin as I am mine” She growls again and Kade stands up nodding to his men and I feel a dart hit me in the centre of the chest. Layla lurches forward shoving me back before launching herself over the table straight for Kade but he moves just in time and she hits the ground before turning.

I feel us shifting only we aren’t, I couldn’t explain the sensation that rolled over me, but claws extended from my hands and I felt my canines protrude but we weren’t on all fours or in wolf form.

Suddenly guns start going off everywhere. All aimed at us but Layla was quick and it was like time stood still or slowed dramatically as I literally watched the bullets dodge past, but she was quicker moving with precision and speed as she started ripping the men to pieces. The mind link opens up suddenly and I hear Damien’s wrath flood me, which only spurred Layla on. Callie’s voice echoing in my head,

“Hold on, we are on our way” I was too focused on what was happening to reply. Suddenly I see Kade tackle my father straight through the roller shutter and they crash through the window in the backyard. My father is trying to fight back when he is kicked off the verandah. The distraction cost us, as I felt a knife slide between my ribs. Layla and I look down at the blade hanging from our side, our breathing instantly affected, and I cough. We stumble back into the table and watch as the man advances on us, a murderous glint in his eye and a sadistic smile on his face as he heads toward us to finish us.

When suddenly a brown and white wolf launches at him completely jumping over the top of the table before sinking its teeth into the rogue’s neck and shaking. Blood splattering everywhere as she nearly completely separates his head from his body, his body going limp on the ground, and I try to figure out who the she-wolf is.

I know Callie’s wolf and it wasn’t hers. I hear Tabitha's baby screaming and I look in her direction, only she isn’t there, but her baby is laying on the towels on the floor unharmed and I know the wolf that just saved me is Tabitha.

The entire kitchen and dining room are littered with body parts from the tornado that was Layla. Tabitha shifts back and pulls the knife from my ribs. Luckily it wasn’t very big and only collapsed my lung but as soon as she pulled it out in this weird form of half shifted, I felt myself healing, shocking both Layla and myself. I heard my father grunt making me snap my attention to the yard and Kade had my father by the throat pinned against the tree. We run, jumping completely over the veranda and onto the grass.

Kade smiled cruelly, his eyes flashing as I tried to run toward them to stop him.

“I will see you soon Lily” He says, before plunging his hand into my father’s chest. I hear someone scream loudly, the noise echoing loudly back to me. Watching as my father’s eyes go to mine, filled with shock before pain, then they go hollow as I watch the life fade from his eyes, as Kade rips his hand out of my father’s chest.

My father’s heart in his hand before he drops it on the ground. I keep running trying to get to him and Kade takes off disappearing, but I don’t care. I just need to get to him, get to my father.

Dropping to my knees, I clutch onto him, pulling his head and shoulders onto my lap. I rub his face and clutch his hand.

“No, no,no not him, please not him” I scream at the moon goddess. Layla howled in my head, and I can hear someone sobbing and I turn looking for the person making the horrid noise before I realise the person is actually me.

Damien POV