“Speak of the devil and she arrives” I chuckle, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. Natalia comes and knocks on the bedroom door.

“Come in, Natalia” I tell her.

“Luna Tabitha is here, she is looking for Alpha . Do you want me to send her away?”

“No, tell her I will be down ina minute” Natalia nods before walking out closing the door.

Amber walks into the closet and starts grabbing some clothes for me and walks out with a pair of tights and shirt.

“Man is he okay? Like all there in the head? Like seriously who colour coordinates underwear and socks or any clothes for that matter?” She asks, walking out and handing me the clothes. I chuckle softly.

“Yeah, I think he has OCD. Makes me feel bad sometimes, because I put my stuff away and I have caught him a few times rearranging them. So I just gave up. He wants it to look a certain way, he can keep it that way. Because I ain’t got the patience. You think that’s bad, you should see the library. Colour coordinated and in alphabetical order. I am too scared to even touch the books in case I forget where it goes” Amber scrunches up her face before shaking her head.

“Okay then, you have fun with that. I am glad my mate is normal. Alphas seem so overrated right now” She says as we walk out the door.

Coming down the stairs, I see Tabitha standing awkwardly near the door. Aria just stares at her like she is a science experiment. I can tell she is intimidated by Aria’s aura as she not once looks up and makes eye contact with her.

Tabitha looks up when she hears me coming down the steps.

“Luna, sorry to stop by” I wave her off and stop in front of her.

“Tabitha this is Amber my friend from the Blood Moon Pack and that is Aria my sister, the Lycan queen and Luna of the blood Moon Pack, everyone this is Tabitha”

“Aria is your sister?” She says, her mouth opening and closing like a fish in shock.

“Yes I am, and I suppose you are the she-wolf the Alpha knocked up” Aria said, holding her hand out for Tabitha to shake.

Tabitha awkwardly shook her hand, which was visibly trembling as she placed it in Aria’s hand. Aria smiled at her, no anger coming off her, just understanding. Tabitha however looked like she was about to puke.

“What’s up?” I ask, and I watch Aria walk down towards the kitchen again and Tabitha takes a deep breath.

“I was actually going to the clinic today but my car has broken down and my mother refuses to take me. I was hoping Damien or you could run me. It is just an ultrasound”

“You walked all the way here?”

“Yeah, I actually don’t live that far only on the other side of the park”

“Well Damien isn’t here, and I um”

“Lily will run you, we will be fine. I can keep Amber entertained. Right Amber?” Aria says and Amber quickly nods her head.

“Well, it is settled then, Lily, you can take my car” She tosses me her keys and I give her a what the fuck look. She raises her perfectly manicured eyebrow daring me to go against her and I sigh before turning around plastering a fake grin on my face.

“Sure lets go '' I tell her, walking out to Aria’s Black SUV that I also like to call her Mumma Humma as it is the main family car.

“You will have to show me where it is, I have no idea where to go” I tell her while hopping in. Tabitha hops in and looks around awkwardly before nodding her head.

“This isn’t too awkward for you, is it?” She asks nervously.

“No, it is fine, we all need to get along for the baby anyway, so might as well start now” I tell her driving down the driveway.

“Which direction?”

“Left” She says

“So how is your mate, how come he isn’t coming?” I ask.

“Damien hasn’t let him leave the compound yet, and my mother hates me because I had a child with someone who isn’t my mate, so she refuses to come too” She tells me rubbing her belly.