Page 82 of Alpha King's Mate

"Miss us?” Ace asks and I smile sleepily at them.

"Yes, when did you get back?"

"Couple of hours ago, I checked on you and you were hugging on Ryker's pillow,” Tyson chuckles. I grab his ankle, ripping his foot out from under him, making him fall.

"He smells nice, it's soothing"

"I will take your word for it,” Tyson says, making himself comfortable.

"God this bed is huge, like sleeping on a trampoline,” Ace says, flopping on his back on the other side of me.

They lay there for a few minutes and I tried to go back to sleep. Amanda also yawning in my head.

"Well this is boring, hop up Reika come play video games, or you can sleep on my bed. I have to babysit you,” he says smacking my butt and hopping off the bed. He rips the blanket off me making Ace fall off the bed from it ripping out from under him quickly.

Ace hits the ground with a thud, "fucking jerk,” Ace cusses.

"Stop being a baby, now both of you up,” Tyson says, grabbing my ankle and pulling me to the end of the bed.

"Up or I pull you off,” Tyson says.

"Argh fine I'm getting up,” I tell him rolling over to find them both staring at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask them and Ace points at the bed.

"What's got into them?” Amanda asks, pressing forward, looking at them with their mouths hanging open.

"Reika, you have no panties on,” Ace chuckles


"We can see your… front bum."

"My what?"

"Your lady bits,” Tyson says, tossing the blanket on me again.

"And they think we are strange,” Amanda Huff's in my head. Tyson walks into Ryker's walk-in before tossing me some of his shorts.

"Come to our room when you're dressed,” he says, grabbing Ace's arm and tugging him out of the room.

I roll my eyes at their strange behavior. Everyone was being weird today.

"Maybe they got them blue balls too?” Amanda asks.

"Maybe, I can ask them how to fix Ryker's blue balls."

"Oh, and ask them how we mate, they will tell us,” Amanda suggests. I nod, pulling the shorts on.

I walk into their room and find them setting up their game. Ace hands me a controller.

I take it and sit on his bed waiting for the TV to come on.

"You really need to learn the other games. I'm sick of playing these baby ones with you,” Tyson says.

"Play against Ace then,” I tell him.

"No, he is a sore loser,” Tyson says. Ace lobs his pillow at him.