Page 19 of Alpha King's Mate

"Same as Brax, your wolf needs blood, the same as your sisters. She grows weaker without blood and she needs hybrid blood, not human a bit of a twist to what Lily is"

"Anything else,” Avery shakes her head. "I couldn't see much and I can't see her future being a mutation. Her future is uncertain, her future depends on you"

Chapter 14


The dark-haired man named Aamon took me into the shop. It smelled funny here, so many scents overwhelmed me. We stood there awkwardly as I peered around at everything.

"Do you like Ryker?" He asks, his voice making me jump in the dark room.

"He scares me," I answer. Aamon nods.

"He scares me too sometimes, what does your wolf say about him though?"

"Says mates are bad, they will kill him,” I tell him while observing him.

"So she doesn't like him?"

"She doesn't want him to die,” I tell him.

"You think he will?" I shrug, he seems strong so I was unsure. My brows furrow at his question.

"You're very odd," he states.

"So are you, you smell funny" he chuckles.

"What does Ryker smell like?"

"Good, why do you keep asking about him? He is your"- I didn't know what this man was to him. They aren't family though, they weren't the same species.

"Because I am hoping he won't kill you like Danika"

"Danika?" I ask him wondering who this person was everyone keeps mentioning.

"His first mate, you worry about them killing him, I worry about him dying from killing you. That is why I ask"

"How would killing me kill him?"

"Because he likes you, he wants you" I shake my head at his words. Mate did not want me, he said so himself.

"You don't believe me?"

"He hates me,” I tell him but the man shakes his head.

"No he is scared you will hurt him like Danika did"

"But he is stronger than me, I can't hurt him"

"Maybe not in that sense, but you are more than capable of hurting him"

His words confused me. Is he talking about the same Ryker, the man in the room with the lady with warm hands?

Ryker comes out and looks at both of us before walking over and grabbing my arm. I followed him out of the store.

"See you later Reika, you to my brother,” Aamon says, giving him a nod. Ryker nods back before opening my door and shoving me inside.

The chain still around my neck gets stuck in the door when he tries to close it, making him reopen it.