Page 125 of Alpha King's Mate

“I was visiting my father! No cell service in hell!” She spits back at him walking over to Danika’s body. She gazes down at it, her eyes blazing emerald and she swishes her wrist. The body catching alight as green smoke burns it. I shift back into my human form, Lucy’s vomit sliding down my arm and I flick it off. Avery then turns to her head when I call out to her.

“I want her head,” I tell her and she looks up.

“For what? A fucking trophy?” She asks.

“No. For her husband,” I tell her. She nods, kicking it toward me. I nod to Tyson who was still in wolf form. “Why do I have to take the head?” He snaps through the mindlink.

“Be the only head you get. Now grab it!” I mindlink back and he rolls his eyes before picking it up by her hair, he strolls off toward the basement steps.

“Can’t say I’m surprised. There was something always off with that girl. No wonder I had trouble seeing her future before you killed her.”

“You felt no pull to her at all?” Avery asks and I shake my head.

“Good! Seems when I stripped the remnants of your bond it worked then '' She says before looking at her husband, Aamon.

I see Ace get up off the floor from where he crashed. He shakes out his fur before looking around, his eyes going to the cell behind me. Following his line of vision I see Reika clutching her daughter like she was her life line. Lucy sobbing in her arms as she clutched her back.

Chapter 86

Averytooktheleadheading out of the building, relief flooded me that we found them. Hundreds of hybrid mutation eyes watching us. Fear being the main thing we saw in their eyes. Fear of the unknown.

“What now?” Reika asks, looking at the children all sitting in groups surrounded by our people.

“We take them home,” Avery says, placing her hand on Reika’s shoulder. The gravity of what we had done truly sank in. Freedom is something these kids have never known, and now, they are free. Free to live and grow, the way they should have been able to. Tyson and Ace lead Reika and Lucy over to the car, while everyone sorts out the kids into groups. Walking around, I was nearly knocked over by a little girl with brown hair, she was around 7 years old, as she ran directly into my path. I went to grab her, thinking she was running off as Elias chased after her, only to see run into the arms of Melana who scooped her up. Crushing her to her. I grab Elias' arm and shake my head. Melana nods to me and I go around checking everyone.

Avery and Aamon went around counting how many children were rescued. All in all there were 211 children. The sad reality was, that we only rescued half that many women. So there were bound to be plenty of orphans. Now, we just had the hard task of finding who belongs who.

“I have buses on the way to bring them to Avalon City. They will be safe there,” Avery says,

“We lost 8,” Tate says, coming over to me. I nod at his words. Despite their loss, we rescued 211, 8 for that many wasn’t bad at all. Though now Tate had the hard job of alerting their families, as all of them were from his pack.

We loaded all the kids on buses. Avery would take care of them, and send any that couldn’t be placed to the packs for new homes. Looking around, I see Tyson and Ace leaning on the car talking with Reika. Lucy sitting on the boot watching everything going on around her as she yawned sleepily. Making my way over to them, thankfully both boys had managed to rustle up pants.

“I put Danika in the boot,” Ace says, pulling a face. Tyson grabs Lucy off the boot, Reika pushing off the boot reaching for her.

“I’m not taking her away. Just putting her in the car,” Tyson tells her, and she nods watching him place her in the car before coming back over to us.

“Well that’s the last bus,” Aamon says, coming over as I pull Reika to me. She tucks her face into my neck, inhaling my scent. Her tense body relaxes and Aamon chuckles as she sniffs me.

“If you two are going to kiss again, can you go somewhere else? It nearly made me puke,” Ace says and Reika pulls away and looks at me funny. I shake my head at his words.

“Can’t say it was the worst kiss of my life. Definitely not the most pleasant,” Aamon chuckles.

“Wait! Who kissed who?” Tyson asks looking at Aamon.

“Ryker and Aamon were sharing a moment when they misted into the cell. And we caught them with locked lips,” Ace says before shivering in disgust.

“Think I got pash rash. Felt him slip in the tongue too,” Aamon says, making me smack him.

“Fuck off! You kissed me!”

“And you liked it! I heard you moan for me.” Aamon says.

“Wait! Why were you kissing Aamon?” Reika asks.

“I wasn’t! He needed energy. And unfortunately for me, I was all there was. Can we just pretend it didn’t happen?”

“Fine by me!” Ace says, side eyeing me.