Page 10 of Alpha King's Mate

“Yes, no place is safer than by my side, now you need to tell me which pack you are from, where your human friends are, tell me what I need to know and I may let you live. You don’t, things will end badly for you,” I tell her.

“I don’t have a pack, Alpha said our place is with him.”

“If you have an alpha you are part of a pack,” I deadpan, how does she not know how the hierarchy works. She shakes her head.

“No pack just family.”

“A pack is family, so you have Alpha blood?” I ask her which would explain why she can resist my commands partially. Though she would be the first Alpha that has.

“No, I have my Alpha’s genes.”

“Okay, who is your Alpha then?” I ask her.

“Alpha is Alpha,” She states.

“No his real name,” I ask becoming annoyed, was she retarded, not the full quid.

Lana walks out handing her some toast placing the plate on her lap, she stares at it before picking a piece up. I watch as she sniffs it before placing it down, staring at it. I look at Lana who shrugs and is also confused by her weird actions.

“Okay let's try easier questions while you eat,” I tell her, pointing to the plate. Lana walks out handing me some peanut butter toast. My mate watches as I tear off the piece before doing the same. Only she makes a face before spitting it out onto the plate and pulls a face as she tries to remove the taste from her tongue.

“You don't like toast?”

“Toast dry,” She answers simply.

“What do you know? Do you know what mates are? Yet you don’t have a pack?” I ask.

“Mates are bad, they kill the mates,” she says.

“Kill the mates?”

“Yes they kill you too,” she says, and I growl at her threat making her jump.

“Your Alpha kills the mates?” I ask her and she shakes her head.

“No the others do, Alpha has been gone a long time now, Alpha was nice I miss my Alpha.”

"Do you know where you lived then?"

She shakes her head fiddling with the toast but not eating it. Tate comes out and sits across from her, on the armchair.

"What do you know then?"

" I know they will be looking for me,” she says.

"And why is that"

"To see if I completed my task"

"What happens if you don't complete your task?"

"I die," She says just as Lana comes out sipping on a blood bag. My mate's eyes follow her.

"You hybrid too?" She asks.

"Too? You can't tell the difference by our scents?" I ask her and her head whips to the side.

"You smell like me, she smells different she smells like them"