Page 4 of Alpha King's Mate

As I turn, I look back at Tim. “Bring him might help when she wakes up seeing someone familiar, besides he could use a shower and a proper meal.”

“I’m hosing him off outside first. Lana will kill me if I let him on the furniture in that state.” Drake said, looking him up and down. Tim was filthy and looked like he had rolled in manure, and didn't smell much better either.

“Fine, you come with us,” I tell him, walking toward Drake's truck.

“He rides in the tray. I am not having him ruin my seats. I just got them refurbished,” Drake said and I nodded for Tim to climb in the tray before sliding in the passenger seat with my mate on my lap. The familiar tingles I haven't felt since Danika rushed over my body.

Chapter 5

Thedrivebackwasquick, the gates were already open on arrival so we didn't have to stop. Pulling up in the driveway. My sister Lana is waiting out the front with towels, her dark hair pulled in a messy bun that was piled on top of her head, she looked like my mother, almost a carbon copy, so did Arial seeing Lana and her were identical twins. She chucks two towels to her mates before handing me one and I cover my mate's body. Lana growls when Tim jumps down from the tray not liking having a rogue on her packlands.

She steps forward, her eyes blazing red and fangs protruding and I could see she was about to go berserk.

“He is no threat, Lana.”

“He is a rogue,” She growls her fangs bared.

“So is my mate, you gonna stop me from bringing her in too?” I asked her and her eyes darted to the girl in my arms. She steps closer looking down at the woman in my arms, her blood running down my arms was warm.

“I will get the pack doctor.”

“Don't bother I will give her my blood,” I tell her and she nods before walking up the three porch steps heading for the front door. Lana stops looking down at her mates. Drake's shoulders sag.

“Fine, I will do it,” he says when Lana raises her eyebrow at him before nodding towards Tim behind me.

“Come on, I have a hose out back,” he says.

“His name is Tim,” I tell Drake and he nods.

“Well come on Tim,” Drake says not happy that he is being forced to deal with a lowly rogue and walking around the side of the house. Tim followed and I could smell his fear as he followed after him. Stepping inside the house I notice Ashley and Titus, my sister's twins snuggled on the lounge with their blanket and chicken nuggets watching some animated cartoons.

Lana’s newborn daughter Emery in her baby swing asleep. Titus and Ashley looked up, their eyes going wide with excitement at seeing their father. “Dad,” Ashley says, holding her arms up. Tate walks over and picks her up kissing her curly hair.

I walk up the stairs taking them two at a time before nudging the bathroom door open with my foot. I turn the shower on before grabbing the detachable shower head. I place her on the floor of the shower rinsing the blood off her body. Lana followed in behind me.

She stirs as I wet her down with the warm water. Her eyes flutter open and I am mesmerized by the color again. Half green and half amber just like aunt lily’s making me wonder if she was a mutation like her, my aunt lily was my mother’s half-sister, Kade had used a version of my mother's mutated genes trying to build an army, she was known as unhinged until she reigned her wolf in, the genes made her a savage.

My mate jumps to her feet and her breathing becomes faster as fight or flight kicks in from me standing over her.

I grip her arms and she screams a mangled sound leaving her lips as she tries to get out of my iron grip. She was strong for someone so small and fragile-looking yet I was stronger as I forced my weight down on her. Lana races over gripping her face and I notice my mate's eyes glaze over as Lana settles her using her mind compulsion she usually refuses to use. But even she knew this situation warranted it.

“He won't hurt you, he is trying to help you,” Lana tells her, clutching her face. I watch her lips part and she stops thrashing, the shower screen stilling as she finally stops kicking it.

I was now drenched from the shower head spraying me as I dropped it to grab her. Lana reaches down, picking it up and placing it on the hook. I let her go and she remains with her eyes darting between us, and Lana grabs some soap and starts washing her.

“Go find her some clothes from my wardrobe,” I got up hesitating, this small woman took on a bear and won should I be leaving here with my sister.

“I am fine with her Ryker – go,” Lana says and I nod.

Walking into the room I grab the first thing my hands touch of Lana's, which were some pajamas with Winnie the Pooh on them. Walking back in, I am hit with my mate's intoxicating scent. I placed the clothes on the sink basin before shutting the lid on the toilet and sitting beside Lana who was still helping my mate wash. Her eyes darted to me as she cocks her head to the side curiously watching me.

I see her sniff the air, her face turning up as she sniffs. Lana rinses her hair off which now wet I could tell would easily be down to her knees. I watch as my mate then leans forward sniffing Lana. Lana is completely unfazed by her odd behavior. Looking over her body I notice most of her wounds are healed up, for a normal wolf that would take hours, unless they drank hybrid blood. But my mate seems to heal quicker which I found odd. Her leg no longer had bone jutting out of it and most of her scrapes were healed; the gash in her head was nearly completely closed.

“What is your name,” Asks Lana and I lean forward bracing my elbows on my knees. She seems to think for a second.

“I don’t know?” She says her voice gravelly as she coughs and I could tell she hasn't spoken in a long time, her face scrunching up.

“Name?” She questions and Lana looks at me before looking back at her.