Page 127 of Alpha King's Mate

“Not those. They made her hyper last time,” I tell him.

“Please! The other ones are gross,” Lucy whines. Tyson looks at me and I roll my eyes as he pours them in her bowl, before he sends her a wink.

“Fine! But you’re dealing with her then! I am getting too fat to chase after her,” I tell him.

“Looks like you're with me today ,” Tyson tells her, sitting next to her. I plug in the toaster. The only thing I have mastered in this bloody kitchen is how to make toast. Ace walks in yawning before slumping on the table.

“Wake up!” Lucy tells him, pulling his eyelids open.

He growls at her and she growls back at him, making him smile. “Flick the kettle on Reika,” Ace whines and I roll my eyes, turning it on and grabbing cups down.

“Don’t make them, I will. You can’t make coffee without destroying my taste buds,” he says as I reach for the coffee. I finish making my toast before sitting down at the table. Ace makes me a coffee and places it in front of me just as Ryker walks, in looking rather tired. He cracks his neck and I shudder at the sound. Tyson and Lucy snickering to themselves at his drawn on face. Ace shakes his head trying to hide his smile when he notices, and I nearly choke on my coffee as he walks over to me. He grabs my coffee and I huff annoyed.

He takes a sip before looking at Ace. “It's my first one,” I tell him and he eyes me before looking at Ace who nods, before he hands it back to me.

“No more today,” he says, reaching down and rubbing my belly before pecking my lips. He goes to make his own when I see his eyes glaze over and I know someone was mindlinking him.

“Fuck sake!” Ryker growls out loud before I see his eyes refocus.

“Language!” Ace says, pointing to Lucy.

“No! I gotta go. Bloody fight between your pack and mine,” he tells him. Ryker had started dividing the packs for Ace and Tyson. And now some old rivalries had come back. Both packs competitive and not liking the change, even though there were no borders between them. Some also didn’t like the idea of being told what to do by two teenage boys. Even though they have both been working their asses off and learning what to do. Ryker tries to get me involved, yet I just can’t wrap my head around what I am meant to do and find it stressful.

“Wait!” Tyson calls after him.

“First! I mustache you a question.” Tyson says and I hide my smile behind my cup.

“What?” He asks as he is about to walk out the door.

“Want Ace to go with you?” Tyson says and Ace raises an eyebrow at him.

“He isn’t even dressed. I will be back soon,” he says ducking out and I hear him grab his car keys before hearing his car start as he leaves.

“Think he will notice?” Ace asks and Tyson laughs.

“Even if he does, we already planned it out. Hey Luce,” he says nudging Lucy with his elbow.

“Planned it out?” Ace asks confused like me.

“Yeah! We are going to say you did it!” Lucy giggles and I laugh, while Ace glares at Tyson.

Chapter 88


I was going to kill them! They just made me look like a fucking twat! Reika would also pay for not telling me what they had done. I can't believe she let me go deal with pack business with scribble on my face.

Who does that? Using my car mirror, I tried to scrub the crap off my face. I even walked into a service station with this shit on me! No wonder the clerk gave me a funny look. Hearing a knock on the window, I turn to see Zane and I roll it down.

"What?" I ask.

"Now I know you can't grow a mustache, but it's a bit extreme drawing one on don't you think?"

"Fuck off Zane! What do you want?” I tell him, one more snide comment and he would be eating his teeth.

"Got a call today. An Alpha's meeting has been called for in July"

"Change it! Reika is due in July"