Page 113 of Fight between Alphas

Chase is excited they are leaving, keeps telling Arial he is going to lock them in cages if they keep cling wrapping the toilet bowl on him, or super gluing his stuff to his desk.

Mum and Arial have even clashed after Arial dished out the spanking mum wouldn't give them when Tyson shaved off Chase's eyebrows while he was asleep.

Sitting on the lounge with my cup of tea. Drake comes out with a load of laundry that needs folding.

"Can you fold these? I hung out another load, just need to help Elias with training" he says. I nod and he bends down giving me a kiss. Ashley and Titus sitting on the rug in front of the TV playing with their blocks.

Arial sits on the floor and grabs an article of clothing and starts helping me fold.

"Goddess, I hope Chase and I get along well after I have this baby like you three do, you guys make it look easy" she says. They still have been having issues but not as bad and once mum and dad are out of the pack house I am sure things will get better not having everyone living on top of each other.

"It will get better Arial and don't forget nothing was easy for us in the beginning"

"True but I love seeing you so happy" she says resting her head on my knee. I brushed her hair back, happy that not only everything was good with my mates but that our sisterly bond was now stronger than ever.

Chapter63 Epilogue

Ryker’s POV

I have lost count of the amount of times I had been to this part of the forest, not once did I ever pick up her scent. Tate and I weren’t expecting to find anything, we haven't in months, she was good at evading me, yet I always felt this strong urge to come back to this spot, like something was telling me she was close.

“We have been here so many times, maybe they have moved on” Tate says as we walk through the dense forest. “Last place then we will head home” I tell him and he sighs. We stop at the river looking up and down stream, nothing. Always fucking nothing.

“Come let’s head back” Tate says, turning around to head the way we came.

“You go back, I will keep searching a little longer” I tell him and he nods before shifting and heading home to his mates. Deciding to go check out the caves I walk through the water coming out across the other side of the river. The only sounds that could be heard were owls high up in the trees and the crunch of rocks and twigs under my boots.

Some urge forced me in this direction, I decided to follow it for once, nothing much was out here besides caves. Moving through the dense forest I stop at the caves listening for any sounds when I hear the soft murmurs of voices in the distance. Barely audible, they sounded like they were on the other side of the mountain only just able to pick up the noise as it was carried to me through the draft of the cave in front of me.

Stepping inside the cave, I could smell bat shit, and stangment water. My eyes adjust to the darkness as my vision changes adapting to it. I followed the tunnels of the cave when it suddenly ended. The voices were a lot louder, I could almost hear what they were saying and I could smell the burning wood of a campfire. I look along the cave walls finding a gap between the rocks. Too narrow for me to fit through. Walking back the way I came I decided to go over the mountain racing over the rocky terrain effortlessly before jumping over the side to my feet to find another entrance. My heart skips a beat when I pick up the scent of rogues.

“She might be in there?” Brax my wolf says urging me to enter, pressing beneath my skin trying to force me forward. Though I couldn’t smell her scent, only the decaying scent of rogues and blood. I could tell one of them was injured.

Walking through the cave the voices and chatter suddenly stopped, they knew someone was in their hiding spot, my scent definitely would have wafted to them by now. I see the glow of a fire on the cave walls as I draw closer, smell the wood burning and the smell of burning flesh like they were cooking something. Turning a corner in the cave, I come across their campsite. I smile when I recognise the rogue sitting closest to me, frozen in place as he stared with his one eye wide.

“Well what do we have here?” I ask, stepping into the small space. I see a man and a woman in the forties in one corner huddled close, the man’s leg was bleeding and would explain the strong scent of blood. But that wasn’t all, I noticed it was the lingering scent of my mate, she had been gone for a while but I couldn’t be mistaken, would know her scent anywhere.

“You what’s your name?” I ask the rogue whose eye I removed.

“Tim” He stutters out and I step closer, loving the fear in his eyes so strong it fills the cave smothering the scent of the fire sitting in the middle.

“And who are you?” I ask the curly dark-haired woman hiding behind her wounded mate.

“Estella, this is my mate Josic” She whimpers, putting her head down. Good by the fear in them they know exactly who I am.

“Is this everyone in your camp” I ask knowing it wasn’t. The woman nods and I growl I hate fucking liars. The man watching me, his eyes not leaving me as I approach him. I see the star picket in his leg.

“How did you get this?” I ask, tapping the steel going through his thigh. He hisses in pain as I tap it, a smile spreading across my face.

“Please we mean no harm we are just camping here” She begs her hands trembling on the man’s shoulders.

“I asked you a question and you lied, I don’t like liars” I tell her.

“Who else is with you” I ask and they both shake their heads. I hear movement behind me and I turn facing Tim.

“Sit down or I will make sure you never walk again” I tell him and he drops on the ground as he shakes in fear. Looking back at the man and woman, I reach past him grabbing her by the hair and jerking her to me. She screams trying to free my grip on her hair.

“Now this is the last time I will ask nicely, who else lives here?” I ask the man, his brown eyes on his mate as she sobs clutching at my hand trying to get me to let go.