“They’re dead” He cowers next to me and I step back not wanting to get his disgusting scent on me.
“How many?” Reid asks him. The rogue shakes his head.
“I am all that's left besides the girl and her parents, the humans fled, said they need to regroup and come up with something, that they would let me know when they recruit others to help” He says. Ryker claws slash down his face so fast the rogue didn’t even see it coming. He screams clutching his face before Ryker kneels before him. The rogue scrambles back and Ryker examines his claws that were covered in the man's blood.
He then grabs the rogue’s hair holding him steady before using his index finger and claw and jams it in his eye socket. His scream makes the bile rise in my throat as I watch as he scoops his finger around his eye before ripping it out. The rogue thrashing and clutching his eye.
“Now I let you live you are going to let me know when they regroup and plan anything” The rogue nods his head. The man’s eye hangs by the nerves between Ryker’s fingers.
He cocks his head to the side with a cruel smile playing on his lips and I knew before he even said it, what he was going to make him do.
“Eat it” He says and the rogue shakes his head while Chase spews as the rogue is forced to eat his own eye.
“Taste good?” Ryker asks and the man shakes his head, his face turning a shade of green.
“Make sure you swallow it” Ryker tells him and I watch as he forces it down, his entire body trembling in fear as his aura rolls over him.
“Now you disobey me, even though I know you can’t but by some miracle manage to, I will feed you your balls next then your other eye before slowing making you eat every limb until you are nothing but a head and torso got it” The man nods, and Ryker slaps his cheek a few times.
“Good you know where I live obviously” The rogue nods.
“Then scamper off, anything changes you come find me and I may let you live” The rogue runs off heading for the treeline.
Chase chundering in the bushes at what Ryker just made him do.
“Pussy,” Ryker says, looking toward him.
“My daughter has bigger balls than you boy, pull yourself together” Reid tells him, shaking his head.
“I was fine till he made him eat it” Chase stammers out catching his breath. I shake my head, Drake no doubt would have took pleasure in watching that, he was built for the nitty gritty stuff, but Chase was pretty sheltered compared to him and definitely wasn’t prepared for what comes with being Alpha, though considering he never had any intentions of running a pack he has adjusted quite well to the position.
“What now?”
“Head home, he will come running to me when they plan anything, And you and I, we are going to have a chat” Rykler says pointing to Chase. Chase pales at his words.
“Which pack are you staying at?” I ask him.
“I am going home, there is nothing here, they left a while ago. No scents, no one has picked up any trace of them so for now we wait” Ryker says and I nod. He was right no one had been caught beside this man and the she-wolf who eluded us, making me wonder if she was the girl the rogue spoke of.
Reid leaves with Chase while I linger behind with Ryker.
“What about her?” I ask.
“I’ll find her she can’t hide forever especially now she has seen me, her heat will be terrible when it hits her” He says and he was right, even if he didn’t find her she may just come seeking him out to relieve the agony she will no doubt go through being mated to an Alpha of Alpha’s and the Lycan king.
“Make sure you stop in and see Lana and the kids before you leave please, she misses you” I tell him.
“As if i would leave without seeing my favourite niece and nephew” He says.
“They are your only niece and nephew” I deadpan.
“Therefore my favourites” He says as we walk back to the pack borders.
Tate POV
Ryker and I parted ways at the border, by the time I got home it was 8pm. Opening the front door, I expected to be greeted by my mates. Instead I was greeted by the sounds of snores coming from the living room. Walking in, I see dinner plated up and cling wrapped on the table. I adjusted my raging hard-on annoyed that it hadn't gone down, my balls aching. I can’t believe I have walked around with this all day, feels like all my blood rushed south.