Page 104 of Fight between Alphas

“Have you fed?” He asks and I could feel his concern hit me.

“I’m fine Tate, Drake is here” She says looking at me and I give her a nod. Tate sighs before kissing her head and walking upstairs to the bedroom.

I follow her as she takes them upstairs, both of them still asleep cuddling into each other, their little bodies moulding around each other taking comfort from their twin. She places them in their cot before sitting on the ground next to it and leaning her back against the wall. I sit next to her.

“You can hop in bed with Tate if you want,” I tell her. She shakes her head yawning before dropping her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her pulling her against me, relaxing when I realise she wasn't going to pull away from me. I kiss her head and she drapes her arm around my waist snuggling into me. It doesn’t take long before she crashes and I feel my eyes getting heavier too but force myself to remain awake knowing Ashley and Titus will probably wake up soon.

When they start to stir, I pick her up before she wakes and place her in bed with Tate before going back to get them up for the day.


Lana POV

Sparks rush over my skin, as Tate runs his hands down my side, his lips nipping and sucking on my skin as he sucks on my mark. I move my hips before feeling Drake’s warmth seep into my back, his hand moving over my breast before his fingers pluck my nipple. I moan softly at the feel of their hands touching and caressing my skin. Tate ‘s lips moving lower as he sucks my nipple before leaning over me and I watch as he kisses Drake, his tongue moving between his lips, arousal floods me. Wait Drake?

I sat upright feeling breathless, it was just a dream my legs coated in my arousal making me shake my head, seriously it was a wet dream?. I fell asleep, I looked around the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. I don’t remember coming to bed. My kids, their little faces popping in my head, make me toss the covers off as I race toward their bedroom, throwing the door open to find it empty. I bolt downstairs in panic stopping in the dining room. Relief hitting me when I see Drake feeding them, Tate at the kitchen counter making coffee.

I let out the breath I was holding. Tate sniffs the air slightly, his lips tugging up, “Someone was having a nice sleep” He says chuckling. My face heats and I see Drake's lips tug up slightly.

Ignoring them, I walk into the room and Tate hands me a coffee. “How long have you been up?” I ask.

“Just woke up” He says, sipping his coffee.

“What time is it?” I ask before looking at the clock hanging above the door behind me. It was a little after one.

The front door bursts open suddenly making us all jump.

“Tell me you didn’t know?” My sister says walking into the house.

“Good afternoon Arial” Tate says.

“I swear Lana if you knew and didn’t tell me” She says tears rolling down her face.

“Know what?” I ask, wondering why she was so upset, making me wonder if she was talking about the humans and rogue’s working together.

“About Chase” She says before flopping in the chair at the dining table. She drops her head in her hands.

“I knew something was up, he kept saying it was nothing but I could feel it, feel he was hurt” She sobs. I get up and Tate shakes his head at me.

“You knew didn’t you, let me believe it was my fault”

“Your fault?” I ask, not understanding what she is talking about.

“How could you let me think that?” she says and I could hear her pain through her words. My heart breaks at seeing her like this. Chase suddenly walks in the front door shadowed by Elias.

“Arial, just let me explain,” He says before stopping and seeing us all standing here.

“No, this is why you wanted to adopt, isn't it, you let me believe there was something wrong with me and it was you all along” She says making my head snap toward Chase.

“I only just found out a month ago, Arial I swear I thought I would be fine,” He says walking toward her but she stands up glaring at him tears rolling down her face and onto the floor.

“Get out Chase, just fucking leave” She says.

Chase looks around desperately toward us when Drake answers.

“Chase just go, she is fine here with us, you can argue over whatever this is later” Drake tells him. Chase’s shoulders sag.

“Arial?” He says but she turns away from him. Chase runs a hand through his hair before turning and walking out, closing the door behind him.