“Well get used to it, I plan on sticking around for a bit” She tells him. Drake turns the kettle on grabbing cups from the cupboard.
“You’re not going with him?” I ask and he shakes his head.
“Tate needs to blow off steam, I will wait here” He answers before Tate walks over to him, Drake pecks his lips and Tate walks out the door, leaving just us three.
“I love you Sis but you got to train him, his hospitality sucks, he has some serious anger issues” She says before slurping on her blood bag. Drake chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his face in my neck.
Arial watching him before she averts her eyes, before clearing her throat,
“No, offense I really don’t feel like being a third wheel here, keep it PG folks” She says, and I chuckle, Drake steps away going back to making coffee.
Lana’s POV
Tate didn’t return until dinner time, I am pretty sure he was leaving it till the last minute before he had to return so, he didn’t have to put up with my sister. Arial had made herself quite at home in the spare bedroom and was also raiding my wardrobe while I cooked dinner, I was dreading having to see how much of it was on the floor, she wasn’t exactly one to refold something after she pulled it out.
Hearing her coming down the stairs I look up. She skips into the dining room before leaning over the bench to look at me “Lana where are all your clothes gone, and that cute top I used to like borrowing, and all your shorts, half your wardrobe is missing?” She asks.
“Shorts are gone thanks to him” I tell her pointing to Drake. He shrugs.
“And the shirt should be in the laundry, I think” I tell her when Drake clears his throat awkwardly.
“What?” I ask my eyes darting to him and he looks away, unable to meet my gaze.
“I didn’t throw it out Tate did?” He blurts out and I glare at him.
“Fucking Alpha’s” Both my sister and I say at the same time rolling our eyes.
“That shit is freaky” Drake says pulling the Potato bake from the oven.
“What is?” Arial asks him as he puts it on the stove to cool down a bit.
“You two, you both said the same thing and rolled your eyes at the exact same time” He says and both of us smirk.
“See there you both go again with freaky twin shit, if you two didn’t smell different to Tate and I, I would swear you were the same person”
“Only she is louder” I tell him, and he nods.
“She is submissive” Arial taunts back.
“Not in the bedroom she isn’t, you should have seen her riding Tate” He mocks,
“So not an image I wanted in my head” Arial says while I hit Drake with my tea towel.
“Why it would be like looking at a mirror image” He tells her.
“No, I am talking about the whole two mates thing and my sister being the meat between the buns” She says shivering and sticking out her tongue. My face heats at her words and her mouth falls open.
“What you still haven’t actually properly mated?” She asks.
“Not from a lack of trying” Drake says before grabbing my ass making me jump.
“Yeah that is so not happening” I tell her,
“Besides I still haven’t even marked Drake” I tell her, and she nods “at least you finally lost that V card you been hanging onto.
“It will be happening; you just don’t realise it yet” Drake says.