“Titus knock it off, I will ask her tomorrow” I warn him as he growls. Walking into the kitchen I grab the glen 20 out from under the sink spraying the house. Clearly if she had done something wrong, she would have hidden the scent and tossed the shirt, so it was making me think I initially jumped to conclusions.
“Or she doesn’t care if we know or didn’t think to spray the house. Go demand an answer Drake” Titus snaps at me.
“No” I tell him placing the can under the sink, I start walking up the stairs when the front door opens. I hold my breath when Tate walks in; he scrunches up his nose at the strong scent of the glen 20.
“Fucking over did it, bloody eyes are even burning” He says closing the doors.
“Farted, was really potent” I tell him, Titus covers his head with his paws at my words embarrassed at what I said. Tate looks at me strangely before shaking his head a silly grin on his face.
“Real smooth,” Titus mutters.
“I didn’t know what else to say” I tell him,
“Well not that” Titus says laughing as he walks to the back of my mind. I walk upstairs, Tate following behind me. Lana was on the bed, she looked up sitting up on one elbow watching Tate cautiously as he walks into the bathroom, he doesn’t even look at her, but I could feel his guilt, he knew he fucked up. Climbing on the bed, I am hit with her scent though it was slightly different, she smelt of the forest and something else, it was very faint without my wolf I wouldn’t have noticed it, only would have noticed the strawberry scent of her shower gel. I pull her against me, Titus growling in my head at the change in her scent. I roll her over me, so she will be on my side instead of the middle.
“What are you doing?” She asks, as I rub her arms. I say nothing, not trusting myself and demanding to know, last thing I wanted was another fight to break out. She shuffles down snuggling into me and I wrap my arms around her, smothering her in my scent and hiding the change in hers, so Tate doesn’t notice. Titus pacing in my head and I feel my skin ripple as he presses against it. A growl escaping me.
“Are you alright?” She asks, and I dip my head in her neck, gritting my teeth as I let the sparks calm me. “mhmm” I sigh before relaxing against her.
“Ask her” Titus growls but I shove him out, letting myself slowly drift off, I feel the bed dip behind me, Tate’s hand going across my waist as he presses against my back.
Lana’s POV
Waking up, Drake had his arm draped over my waist. I get up swinging my legs over the side of the bed, Drake falling forward with a groan as I moved. Getting up, I rummage through the drawers. I grab a pair of tights out and one of Tate’s shirts. I slip them on and pull my hair in a bun, hoping Tate was in a better mood today. Walking downstairs, I find he wasn’t even here.
Drake sleepily walking down the stairs before sitting at the table and placing his head on it, tiredly as he yawned.
“What time is it?” He asks as I flick the kettle on. I look to the clock on the wall.
“A little after 10” I tell him a little shocked myself with how late in the morning it was.
“Tate gone?” He asks, looking around and I shrug, preparing the two cups and putting the milk in while I wait for the kettle to boil. I grab a loaf of bread out when I am hit with Tate’s rage through the bond.
Drake sitting up straighter too, his eyes darting to me nervously for a second.
“His mood still hasn’t changed I see” I state, and Drake looks around before walking to the window. I see Tate walking down the long driveway with someone.
“Lana get upstairs,” Drake says, looking at me alarmed for some unknown reason. My heart skips a beat, why would he say that.
“Lana now, I will deal with him” Drake says, and I put the spoon down wondering what was going on.
“Go find Dylan Melinda, tell him I want him here now” I hear Tate yell making my blood run cold. Melinda was with him? Why was he with her? And what does he want with Dylan? I wonder when the door bursts open, smacking into the wall.
“Where is she” I hear him growl at Drake. I rush into the room trying to figure out what I did wrong locking the door.
“Tate calm down” I felt stupid having to hide in the room from my own mate, I just couldn’t figure out what was going on that made him so angry. I hear Melinda’s nasally voice.
“Got him Alpha he is out front” I hear her say before I hear stomping on the floorboards.
“Hey Alpha what’s up” I hear Dylan’s cheerful voice and I rush to the window looking down, Tate storming over to him, and Dylan steps back, Drake grabs his arm and Melinda has her arms folded over her chest pushing her breasts together with a smile on her lips. I hear the crunch of Dylan’s nose as Tate’s fist connects with it. Melinda shrieks and Drake jumps on Tate pulling him off. I dart from the room going downstairs. Drake and Tate scuffling as Drake tries to contain him. I rush to Dylan who was clutching his nose.
“What’s going on?” He asks confused blood soaking the front of his shirt. My gums tingling at the sight.
“I have no idea” I tell him as Tate throws Drake into his car.
“Fucking whore” Melinda spits at me. I lunge at her, my fist connecting with her face, she shrieks her eye instantly swelling shut and turning purple. She slaps me and I headbutt her making her stumble back, she growls, and I was about to lunge at her when Tate’s arm wraps around my waist before tossing me into Dylan on the ground.