“You done father, or do I need to break your arms again, this time I will shove up your ass for mum to remove” Ryker says, stepping forward making his father look up at him. Ryker must be close to 7 feet tall now, how is it possible that he is still growing he is the same age as me. Or maybe it's because he was Alpha of Alpha’s now. I step between them hoping they don’t start swinging at each other. Chase grabs Reids arm and he shakes him off before straightening his shorts and walking out. Ryker notices Chase and growls at him.
“Got a bone to pick with you later” Ryker says, his eyes flicking black for a second and his aura rushing over me. My stomach turns filled with dread as a sickening feeling swirls in my stomach. Chase nods turning his neck in submission and Ryker smirks.
“Come I want to check this rogue camp down by the stream,” Ryker says clapping his gigantic hand on my shoulder as he walks past.
“Chase stay with Reid and check out the surrounding area” Chase nods walking out after me and going in the opposite direction looking for Reid.
We walk through the trees toward the stream on the other side. “Why don’t you tell your father the reason you killed her?” I ask him.
“I shouldn't have to explain myself. They want to think the worst of me let them believe it” He says and I nod. I could understand that, they jumped the gun and made assumptions.
“He is lucky he is my father or I would feed him his intestines” Ryker growls. I feel my face pale.
“You don’t want that on your conscience Ryker believe me, killing your own father no matter the reason never sits well”
“You don’t honestly regret killing yours?” He asks and I could tell he was curious.
“No, prick deserved it, treated my mother and I like a punching bag, but still he was good sometimes that's why it eats at you. Why it takes so long to get over, I know I did the right thing after he strangled her to death, but I still feel bad when I think or do something that reminds me of him in a goodway” I tell him. I wasn’t sure that even made sense coming out.
“So you miss the good things about your father?” I nod he did understand.
“Mine was good, he never touched us, he was a great father. We just clash, he never lets me explain nor do I care to” He says.
“Alpha’s aren't made to get along with other Alpha’s you know that, too territorial” I tell him. He nods in agreement, there's a reason there is only one Alpha in a pack usually.
“Wonder how Chase is coping with my father living with him” Ryker says chuckling.
“From what I hear they clash constantly” I tell him also laughing. We came across the camp. The fire put out and litter spread across the grass next to the stream.
“You smell that?” Asks Ryker sniffing the air.
“What? the smell of rotting meat, bit hard to miss” I tell him only able to smell the rogue decaying scent. Ryker shakes his head.
“No!” He sniffs the air, his eyes darkening turning black and I step back when he growls.
“I know she is here somewhere,” He says, confusing me.
“My mate,” He says, his eyes scanning his surroundings.
“Isn't she dead?” I asked, confused.
“This one isn’t” He says and it clicks , shit his second chance mate. A white wolf stumbles out of the trees across the stream before freezing, she is completely white she stops one paw in the air as she sniffs the air. Her eyes went wide and Ryker was frozen in place staring at her before she tucked tail and bolted through the trees the way she came. Ryker chased after her rushing past me in a blur as he darted after her giving chase. I try to keep up following him, worried for the she-wolf but also curious because she was definitely a rogue and bordering on both mine and Chases territory.
I stop nearly running into the back of Ryker, he sniffs the air we were around some caves on the side of the mountain, I couldn't pick up her scent anywhere like she managed to shield herself making me wonder if she somehow went back toward the river to cloak her scent in it.
“Fuck” Ryker says looking around.
“Where did she go?”
“No idea but damn she is fast I couldn’t catch her, not even get close”
“Spose one thing rogues are good at doing is running” I tell him also scouring around.
“Yeah and cloaking her scent” He says, his eyes scanning up the rocky mountain beside us.
“Think she went into a cave?” I ask.