With a dubious expression, Ferghal led them down a succession of increasingly dusty, empty corridors. Evidently his staff did not feel the need to clean or decorate the areas where their lord was unlikely to ever set foot.

Noodle’s excited barking grew louder, echoing down the bare walls. Ferghal pushed open one final set of doors, and Cathy saw the puppy leaping at the bottom of a bookcase, stretching up on his hind legs to scrabble at the shelves.

“Shhh,” hissed a high, urgent voice from somewhere near the ceiling, and Cathy’s heart shattered into a thousand pieces. “Go away! Don’t tell them where I am!”


Cathy’s numb lips shaped her son’s name soundlessly. She would have pushed straight past Ferghal if Aodhan hadn’t grabbed her. His fingers clamped tight around her arm, holding her back.

“Steady,” he breathed, for her ears alone. “We aren’t safe until Kevin sees you and the glamour breaks. Keep up the act until then. Just a few more moments, Cathy.”

“Boy!” Ferghal boomed, striding into the room. The knight jabbed a furious finger at the shadows at the top of the bookcase. “I know you are there. You shame me in front of my guest. Come down and show proper respect this instant!”

Well, that’s not going to work. A bubble of hysterical laughter welled in Cathy’s throat. Kevin had only one response to any show of authority, which was to immediately do the exact opposite.

Sure enough, no Kevin appeared. If it hadn’t been for Noodle’s continued whining and scratching, even Cathy would have doubted that her son was up there. The narrow gap between the bookcase and the ceiling didn’t look big enough for a cat, let alone a child.

Oh, my baby.Her heart felt like shattered glass in her chest. You can stop hiding. I’m here now. I’m here at last.

Ferghal glared at the shadows for a moment longer, then evidently decided to try another tack. He adopted a wheedling, enticing tone. “If you come down, you may have fresh honey-cakes and glazed berries with your supper. And tomorrow I shall take you hunting. You can have a fine pony, and a real blade of your very own. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

From the continued lack of Kevin, he would not.

Cathy moved forward, and this time Aodhan let her go. She heard him mutter a few words, then a small, glowing ball looped over her shoulder to hover above her head. She lifted her chin, letting Aodhan’s summoned light illuminate her face.

Look at me,she silently willed Kevin. I’m here, baby. I’ve come to take you home.

“If you do not come down at once, I shall… I shall…” Ferghal appeared to cast around for some suitable threat. His brows lowered in sudden cunning. “I shall have all the servants whipped. Will you make them pay the price for your impertinence?”

A pause, and then a disheveled, dusty head poked over the edge of the bookcase. Cathy caught her breath as a small, slight figure climbed reluctantly down. Every fiber of her being cried out to sweep him up in a hug, but she didn’t dare move.

Look at me. Look at me.

Noodle went mad with joy, leaping around Kevin with his tail a blur. The puppy jumped up to lick Kevin’s face, but the boy flinched back.

“Get off me!” Kevin glared at the puppy. “You gave me away. I hate you!”

Noodle’s excited barks faded to a puzzled whine. The puppy sank to the floor, glowing red eyes fixing on Kevin’s face in mute appeal.

Cathy heard Aodhan draw in a sharp breath. Casting a glance behind her, she found him staring at Kevin, brow knotting.

“What the hell?” he muttered, sounding like he was talking more to himself than to her. His gaze flicked from Kevin to Ferghal, then back again. “Bloody amateur.”

Kevin ignored both dog and mage. Folding his arms, he glowered up at Ferghal, as though the towering seelie knight was no more intimidating than the puppy.

“Well?” Kevin raised his chin in challenge. “Who have you brought this time? Another stupid tutor?”

“Indeed not.” With a triumphant smile, Ferghal gestured at Cathy. “Someone far more capable. She will soon train you to behave as befits your station.”

Heart hammering, Cathy stepped forward. Kevin looked at her at last… and his obstinate, suspicious expression did not so much as flicker.

“You might as well give up now,” Cathy’s son said to her, not a trace of recognition in his eyes. “Whoever you are.”