Ferghal shifted in the saddle. “He was in the clutches of the unseelie for a considerable length of time. Undoing their dark enchantments is proving somewhat challenging. Despite my efforts to re-educate him, he does not show appropriate gratitude for his rescue. He is… willful.”

Cathy nodded sympathetically. “That is only to be expected. Perhaps I could offer my assistance? I have some experience handling recalcitrant young boys. I believe I could convince the child to understand what is in his best interests.”

The knight’s mare ruffled her wings uneasily. “Pardon the interruption, my knight, but I mislike this. For all we know, she could be a spy from the unseelie.”

“Oh, hush now, Eislyn.” Ferghal patted his steed’s neck. “You worry too much. Can you not sense her aura? She does not bear the slightest hint of their foul stench.”

Eislyn’s nostrils flared. “Perhaps not. But still, there is something strange here. Hunter Waning Six is notorious among my people for his willfulness and defiance. He would never bow his neck to anyone.”

Ferghal dismissed this with an airy wave of one gauntlet. “No doubt she has simply enchanted the beast to her service. That speaks highly of her skill. I would be most grateful for your aid, lady, er…”

“You may address me as Lady Rose,” Cathy said, without so much as batting an eyelid. “I am certain that I can soon resolve this matter. Where is the child now?”

“At my country estate.” Ferghal turned in the saddle, gesturing in the direction they’d been traveling. “But, alas, I cannot escort you there now. I must complete my patrol, or else risk the unseelie scum worming their way into my lands.”

“No escort is required, sir knight,” Cathy said. “If you give me directions, I am sure I can make my own way.”

Ferghal shook his head firmly. “With all due respect, Lady Rose, the wards around my ancestral estate are of the finest quality. Even you would not be able to enter except in my presence. One of my villages lies but a short ride from where we stand. Perhaps you would deign to wait there? Once I have put the cowardly unseelie to flight, I will return to escort you to my home.”

Cathy let out her breath. “Very well. But please hurry, sir knight. I am eager to see the child.”

“Then on the morrow, you shall.” Ferghal gave her a parting bow, then nudged his steed. “Eislyn! Let us make haste!”

Eislyn treated both Aodhan and Cathy to one last long, lingering stare before wheeling round. The rest of the war band hastily kicked their own mounts, falling into position as Ferghal and Eislyn cantered off.

Aodhan waited until they were well over the horizon before turning to Cathy.

“That was—you were—” For once, words utterly failed him. “You are a goddess. An actual goddess.”

She hadn’t moved a muscle, that small, superior smile still frozen on her lips. “Are they gone yet?”

Pulling out his wand, he performed a quick, simple spell, checking for nearby life. “We’re safe. For now, at least.”

“Good.” She let go of her oss’s neck… and fell off.

Aodhan had never moved so fast in his life. He still only just managed to catch her before she hit the ground. Facing the seelie knight, she’d been all icy composure, but now she collapsed against him, hiding her face. Her breath caught in great, shuddering sobs.

“I was—so scared,” she gasped into his neck. “When he—the sword—Aodhan, I thought he was going to kill you!”

“That certainly shaved a few years off my allocated span. My heart must have stopped six times during that conversation.” He held her close, feeling how she was shaking. “But you were as cool as ice.”

She shook her head vehemently. “I froze. When he stopped, I was so terrified, I locked up. I couldn’t do anything. But then he said he was going to bridle you, and I got so mad, and I just blurted out—oh God, what was I thinking?”

“You did exactly the right thing. Morrigan’s wings, you couldn’t have put on a better performance with the entire chorus line from the Summer Queen’s Opera. You were magnificent.”

“I don’t feel magnificent,” she mumbled. “Aodhan, I think I’m going to be sick.”

“It’s the adrenaline.” He stroked her hair. “A perfectly normal reaction to sudden extreme stress. Just a little further, Cathy, and then you can rest. You’ve been strong for long enough. Let me take care of you now.”