But he hadn’t come, either.

She exhaled, wishing it was so easy to let go of foolish dreams. “We need to get to Maeve’s sidhean. It’s not safe out here. For all we know, Morcant could still be on our trail.”

“But Mom,” Kevin started.

“Enough, Kevin,” she said, in a tone made his mouth click shut. Cathy turned away, forestalling any further argument. “Now come on. We’ve wasted enough time.”

Something yanked her sideways. For one terrifying second, she thought that Morcant’s ice griffin had plummeted out of nowhere to snatch her up—but there was nothing there. Just an insistent, urgent force, pulling at her heart.

“Mom?” Kevin was at her side, and Motley too, supporting her. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Aodhan,” she gasped, the bond searing her arm. “He’s in trouble.”