Chapter 22

“Okay,” Tamsin said, holding up the tangle of jeweled leather straps. “Maeve definitely has a sex dungeon.”

Cuan shot her a reproving look. “It is formal court attire.”

“Cuan, it’s a bondage harness.”

“It is high fashion. Lady Maeve sets the style for her court, as is her privilege as ruler.”

Cuan took the barely-a-garment from her, laying it out neatly on the bed. He scratched the back of his head.

“Though I must admit,” he said. “I do not…fully understand why she favors this particular aesthetic.”

Tamsin smothered a giggle. “That’s because you’re a straight guy.”

The outfit certainly came with some very interesting accessories. Tamsin picked up a wide golden collar, engraved with roses and twining thorns. There were no iron studs—thankfully—but it did have a very obvious ring at the front.

Tamsin snorted, caught somewhere between amusement and irritation. “At least she didn’t include a leash.”

Cuan winced. “Please do not give her any ideas.”

“Oh, I think she’s got enough ideas already.” Tamsin tossed the collar back onto the bed. “Are you really going to wear this?”

Cuan grimaced down at the outfit. “Sadly, I must. From the gift, it seems that there is to be a formal ball. I cannot turn up to such an event dressed in armor. And it would be a grave insult to Lady Maeve if I did not wear the outfit that she has picked out for me.”

Tamsin had decidedly mixed emotions about that. On one hand, she hated to give Maeve the satisfaction of seeing Cuan bend to her will.

On the other hand…Cuan in a bondage harness.

Maeve may be a malicious, evil elf…but damn, she has good taste.

She shook her head. “At least tell me I don’t have to dress up in thigh-high boots and a couple of strategically placed leather thongs.”

“Arresting as that mental image is, this is male court attire. No doubt Lady Maeve has chosen an appropriate outfit for you as well.” Cuan delved into the parcel again. “Ah. Hm.”

“Not good sounds, Cuan.”

“It seems that she has sent you a gown. Technically.”


Cuan held something up in response. Dark silk flowed like smoke through his hands. Tiny, brilliant white gems twinkled like stars. From what Tamsin knew about fairyland, she was betting they were real diamonds.

The dress did technically cover more than the male version of fae formalwear. It was designed to drape softly from shoulder to ankle, shrouding the wearer in fluttering layers of dark blue and purple, like hazy twilight skies.

It was also almost completely transparent.

“I’m not wearing that,” Tamsin said flatly.

From Cuan’s expression, he was torn between deeply conflicting emotions. “You would look extremely fetching in it.”

“And also extremely naked.”

A deep, appreciative growl rumbled through Cuan’s chest. “Yes.”


He lowered the dress and sighed. “I fear that if you were to wear this in public, I would be forced to kill a great many people. Though we unseelie pride ourselves on celebrating beauty in all forms, there are certain sights I am not willing to share.”