Page 56 of His Secret Baby

"Yes!" Makayla giggled. "I want to see baby pictures, and also to play games, and do puzzles."

"Oh," George said, "We don't have to wait until then to play games. Miss Makayla, if you look over in that drawer, there's a pack of cards." Makayla came over to my side of the bed, and I moved out of the way so she could get the cards from the nightstand. As I moved toward him, Cassius casually put his hand around my waist. I noticed his mother saw this and smiled to herself.

"Here they are!" Makayla said, holding up the cards and stealing my chair so she could sit next to the bed.

"Good job!" George told her. "Now, tell me, do you know how to play Go Fish?"

"Ohhh," Makayla said, "Yes, I'm very good at it."

"Well, then let's play!" As I watched George deal the cards, I felt Cassius lean down to whisper in my ear.

"Come with me," he said, grabbing my hand and winking. Makayla was distracted with the game of Go Fish, so I let him lead me out into the hallway.

"What is it?" I asked once we were outside. He suddenly grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, leaning his body against me.

"We're in public," I scolded him cheekily, and he winked and leaned in close.

"Makes it more fun," he whispered in my ear, and my legs went weak. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me tightly to him, kissing me deeply. I hooked my arms around his neck and returned the kiss. I didn't even care that someone might walk down the hallway at any moment. I was so happy, I kind of wanted to flaunt it. Cassius finally pulled away from the kiss and for a moment he just stared at me.

"Can I come over tonight? I have important things to speak to you about," he murmured.

"What kind of important things?" I asked.

"Maybe a repeat of last night?" he said, stealing another kiss. My legs almost buckled at the reminder of the night before. Ever since we had reconciled at the airport, every time we were together was like fireworks. I could feel my cheeks flushing at the memory, and I pushed him away playfully. He responded by tightening his grip.

"You're not allowed to go free until you say I can come over," he teased.

"Yes, Cassius, you can come over tonight," I giggled. He sighed and let go of me.

"I was hoping you'd hold out longer so I had an excuse to hold onto you," he said, pretending to pout. Makayla suddenly called out from inside the room.

"Mommy, come help me play! Please?" I grinned at Cassius and headed toward the room.

"Wait, wait, one more thing," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him for one last kiss. This time, he put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me gently, sweetly.

"Deira," he said, looking deep into my eyes, "I love you."

I sucked in my breath. He'd never said that to me before. I kissed him back, then took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you, too, Cassius," I said.

"We're a family, right?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Forever?" he asked. When he asked that, time seemed to slow for a moment, and all I could see was him. It was like the rest of the world faded away. And then, in the next room, I heard Makayla laugh, and time started again. The two of them were my world.

"Yes, Cassius," I said. "Forever."



Three Months Later

Deira made a beautiful bride.

Watching her walk down the aisle toward me, with all our family and friends present, I knew that I had made the right choice in asking her to marry me. In fact, I knew that every choice I had made since that moment I decided to step into that steam room, despite it unexpectedly being occupied, had been the right choice.