She shrugs. “Why do you even like me, anyway?”

I was hoping she would give me a chance to tell her. “I like you because you remind me what life can be like. Fun. Exciting. Worthwhile. Between the two of us, I think we can teach each other how to be a little less afraid and a little less alone. Plus, you’re fucking beautiful.”

She blushes. “You are very good at these speeches, but I’m sure you will get sick of me soon enough.”

I squeeze her hand. “I doubt that very much, but why don’t we just enjoy our first date?”

Heather’s shoulders relax. “I think I can do that.”

We release each other’s hands so that we can check the menu.

“Tequila shots?” she asks me with a wink.

I laugh and shake my head. “How about a margarita?”

“If you want to be boring, sure, let’s go for it,” she teases.

And already, I can tell that this will only be the first of many dates. I think she knows it, too.


Six months later


I wake up to the smell of espresso brewing in our little apartment.

I stretch my arms over my head and sigh.

“That smell is so much better than elephant crap,” I say, opening my eyes.

I see the back of my gorgeous boyfriend standing shirtless in our tiny kitchen. He turns and gives me a smile.

“I strangely miss that smell,” Walsh says to me, walking over with two cups of coffee.

I take the cup from him and inhale the scent of the coffee. “I love that you made this, but we are in Paris, for God’s sake. We should be out there letting them make this for us.”

“I know, I know,” he says, taking a sip of his coffee as he settles back into bed with me. “We just did not get a lot of sleep last night and I knew you would need some energy ASAP.”

I smile, thinking back to last night’s activities.

His body pressed against mine.

His lips on my lips.

His cock aching for me.

“Well, sex in a Paris apartment is a huge step up from sex in a tented camp,” I tell him, kissing him on his cheek.

For someone who has never traveled internationally, Walsh has been an incredible partner. He keeps me from forgetting all the things I tend to forget. He keeps us on time for our flights and reservations. But, when it comes to plans, he follows my lead.

We make a great team.

I think about the day that he gave me that dare.

There was a moment there when I almost didn’t show up that night. I almost didn’t say yes.

I am so fucking glad that I did.