I also wish he had not just dared me.

Because the truth is that he is completely right. I am scared to death of anything serious,especiallywith Walsh Holmes. Because Walsh Holmes may just be the real fucking deal. And I was not prepared for that.

He turns and walks back to the car.

And I silently follow, going back and forth in my mind on what the hell I am going to do next.

Chapter Seven


I don’t know if I expect her to show up tonight or not. After our outing this afternoon, I am very aware that she was doing everything in her power to convince me how much of a messy person she is.

What she doesn’t realize is that her stories don’t bother me. They were just proof that she has lived an incredible life. Unlike mine. If anything, I was jealous after hearing about her adventures.

I only wanted to hear more.

And now, I want adventures of my own.

This afternoon, the office lights felt harsher.

The air tasted different.

The sound of someone coughing sounded aggressive in my ears.

I wanted out of there just as much as Heather did.

And now, I am sitting at a table for two, by myself, at Barney’s on Maple, praying that Heather decides to join me.

I could love someone like her. If I am being honest, there’s a part of me that already feels like I am in love with her. The part of me that wants to live the way she does. The part of me that wants permission to get out.

I just hope that she feels it, too.

I check my phone for the fiftieth time.

7:10 p.m.

I am starting to worry, but I just sip my rum and coke and tell myself that everything will be okay.

Ten minutes after the meeting time is nothing to worry about.

I’ll stay until 7:40.

At least.

Or maybe I’ll just move into the bar at that point and keep an eye out?

Wow, I really am losing it over this girl.

“You should know that I am always late.”

I hear her voice from behind me and my whole body relaxes. I turn to see her in a short, black dress. Her hair is tied up in a high ponytail and she’s wearing long, gold earrings. She is absolutely stunning.

“This is actually early for me,” she says, sitting down across from me. “And you should realize that I am going to leave my room an absolute disaster on our way out to whatever function we are going to. Because I try on several outfits, then I throw them on the floor. I also will probably leave the straightener on and you’re going to want to turn around to check so that I don’t burn the house down. Or… you could avoid this all entirely by just calling off this little dare of yours.”

I extend my hand across the table to her and she reluctantly gives me her hand. She smiles and I smile, too.

“I’m not going to call this off,” I tell her.