Chapter One


My boss is undoubtedly the worst boss in the entire world.

Griffin Marks openly fires people at morning meetings. He demands that everyone stay until 5:30 every day when we all know that he leaves at 3:00 to meet his friends for happy hour. Plus, he’s just a generally unlikeable person.

So, it is no surprise that I am desperately trying to come up with a good reason to bail on his birthday drinks this evening.

The office is quiet today.

It’s like everyone in here is doing exactly what I am doing.

Nobody likes Griffin. He’s the only one who doesn’t know it.

I click my pen repeatedly in my office, staring at an empty inbox.

I check the time.


If I am going to get out of this, I better do it fast.

I jolt up to hear the sound of a sharp rap on my door.

Griffin stands in front of me.

He’s wearing a smug smile, almost as if he knows that he has caught me the lie I was planning to tell before I can even get the words out of my mouth.

“Hey Homie,” he says to me. It’s a “clever” nickname based on my last name, Holmes. “You ready to head out? It’s time to close up shop.”

He taps the door a couple of times and walks away before I can give my answer.

I lean back in my leather chair.

I fantasize about quitting my job again.

I actually enjoy the work that I do. When I make a sale, I feel exhilarated. I like the control that I have in a sales position, but I can sell anything.

It doesn’t need to be computer software.

It doesn’t need to bethiscomputer software.

There has to be a boss out there that actually gives a damn.

I sigh, resigned to my fate.

It’s time for me to go drink to another year of my crappy boss’s life.

It’s time for me to go drink to another day in another life of a job that I wish I could leave.

Griffin picked a very dark dive bar as his birthday location of choice.

It’s still daylight outside, but you would never know it from here.

It’s a smoking bar, too. Not sure how he managed to find one of those, since I didn’t think we had any left in town.

I immediately walk to the counter and order a beer.