I jolt upright.

Busy is down on the ground, her hands held tightly around her calf.

I run over to her, and I am not the only one.

“It was an accident!” the little girl next to her cries.

“It’s okay; it’s okay; it’s okay,” I say on repeat.

“What happened?” Judah is on the ground beside us both now, demanding answers.

Busy points to get leg.

She has a cut, but thankfully, that looks to be all that’s wrong with her.

“Abby’s cleat cut me,” Busy says.

Judah exhales in relief. “I’m sorry. Let me get you a bandage and some ice.”

“I left the first-aid kid in my car,” I say, wishing in this moment that I had remembered. “I will be right back.”

“No,” Busy whines. “Take me, too.”

I look at Judah.

I don’t know how he wants me to handle this.

“I’ll carry you, okay?” Judah offers, appeasing Busy.

Busy nods.

One of the moms offers to help control the chaos of this practices while the three of us head over to my car.

Inside, I am a mess.

I stay quiet though, and so does Judah.

The only sound is Busy’s soft sobs.

We get to my car and I pop the trunk. Judah sets Busy down inside. I grab the bandage and hand it to him.

“No, Coach Nora, you put it on,” she whines.

I nod. I take the bandage and cover her cut.

“There,” I tell her. “Does that feel better?”

It was as if I had performed a miracle.

Busy looks up with a big smile on her face. “Yes, I’m good.”

Then she hops out of the trunk and runs back to the field before Judah can yell at her.

He watches as she joins the rest of the team.

Then, he turns to me.

I’m expecting him to yell at me.