What is happening to me?

I have never done anything like that in my whole life.

The most I have ever done with a guy is let Andrew Cobb feel me up after prom.

And now I just gave a stranger a foot job under the table with my dad sitting right next to me.

I’m going to Hell.


“Faith,” I hear him calling out my name.

I keep speed-walking until I am in the woods.

The woods are supposed to be “off limits” and technically we are all supposed to be in bed now, but I don’t care.

I just need to take a breath.

I need to figure myself out.

“Faith,” I hear him call my name again.

I hear his steps behind me again.

I finally stop walking after I am deep enough in the woods that I am scared I may get lost. The footsteps stop behind me.

“Faith,” he says again, but quieter this time.

I turn around to him. With an apology in my voice I say, “I don’t know what I was thinking. That was so crazy. I am so crazy.”

He laughs at me and finally takes the freaking hoodie of his head.

I finally get to see his whole face for the first time and it’s perfect.

He has dimples that I didn’t really get to see before and his hair is just as brown and moppy as I thought it was going to be.

“You are crazy,” he tells me, walking closer to me. “You are absolutely fucking crazy.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say. He bends his face towards mine. I feel the warmth of his breath on my face.

“I’ve never done anything like that before… ever,” I tell him. “You make me… crazy.”

He smiles. “Faith, you are the most interesting, surprising girl I never expected to meet and if you don’t fuck me right now, I am going to lose my mind.”

I swallow. And I whisper, “What if I don’t know what I am doing?”

He laughs. “Based on your performance back there, I think you know exactly what the fuck you are doing.”

“Okay,” I tell him.

“Okay,” he echoes back.

Rex takes his hands and brushes the hair away from my shoulders. He sinks his hands deep into my hair, the tips of his fingers trailing my scalp. It sends tingles sharply down my body. He stares into my eyes as he finally leans in and breaks this tension by kissing me on my mouth.

I buckle into his body.

Rex doesn’t kiss like the boys that I have kissed before.