But my eyes keep getting drawn to her anyway.
She loves the songs with the dances. And even though I think they are super lame, Faith somehow makes it look cute.
After dinner, they tell us that it is time for small groups.
I don’t really know what a small group is for but it sounds like work and that sounds terrible.
I’m told that I am assigned to Small Group D which is meeting in the cafeteria.
When I get inside, I see Faith’s father sitting at the head of one of the lunch tables. For a preacher, he is a pretty intimidating man. He is basketball-player tall with wide shoulders and a buzz cut. And even though he stands up in front of everyone preaching love and grace, I am pretty sure that he is more of an Old Testament guy than he is a New Testament guy.
Fire and brimstone all the way.
And if he knew the thoughts I was having about his daughter, well, he may ask his God to turn me into a pillar of salt.
Next to Reverend Daniels is Faith.
And two other retreat-goers.
So, this is small group.
I am so screwed.
“Rex,” Reverend Daniels says to me, “Come and join us.”
I pull my hoodie further over my head and walk over to the table.
I sit right across from Faith.
She smiles at me and I nod at her.
“How has everyone’s first day been?” Reverend asks us.
We all mutter something along the lines of “good.”
The girl next to me seems to be one of those girls who craves attention, so she decides to tell us all that she was very anxious to come on this trip, but now she is at peace. She says it is proof that she is right where God wants her to be.
I think it is probably the fresh air, but I hold my tongue.
“This small group is really for you guys,” Rev tells us. “It’s a place where we can come together and regroup after the day. You can ask questions. We can debrief on the talks. And the four of you can lean on each other throughout the weekend to be each other’s spiritual guides in a sense.”
I am starting to doze off at his words when I feel something brush against my leg.
I look up.
Faith is staring at me with this intense look at her eyes.
And it hits me.
Faith’s bare foot is inching its way up my leg and toward my crotch.
Holy shit.
I have to stay calm.
I should shut my legs closed.
But I don’t. I mean, I didn’t initiate this. I didn’t ask for this.